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SIMATIC IOT2050 Isar/Debian Board Support Package
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iot2050setup: Add arduino board pinout #388

Closed AsuraZeng closed 1 year ago

AsuraZeng commented 1 year ago

Our reference design is UNO3. Although you can query the specific pin through this: But this is not very intuitive.

It shows the block diagram of our arduino board, which is convenient for query and use.

Signed-off-by: chao zeng

AsuraZeng commented 1 year ago

This is indeed very useful! I'm regularly searching for this layout in the web.

How about also explaining what is meant with "ICSP", this 6-pin connector?

yes, that is the 6-pin header. The "ICSP" is from the arduino pinout, and in our operations guide also call this as ICSP.

We synchronize the abbreviation of this convention, I don't think we need too much description in this pinout. how do you suggest?

jan-kiszka commented 1 year ago

How about something like this, to improve readability?

            |                                     A5/SCL |  IO19
            |                                     A4/SDA |  IO18
            |                                       AREF |
            |                                        GND |
            | N/C                                 SCK/13 |  IO13
            | IOREF                              MISO/12 |  .
            | RST                                MOSI/11 |  .
            | 3V3    +---+                         SS/10 |  .
            | 5V    -| A |-                        PWM/9 |  .
            | GND   -| R |-                        PWM/8 |  IO8
            | GND   -| D |-                              |
            | Vin   -| U |-                        PWM/7 |  IO7
            |       -| I |-                        PWM/6 |  .
      IO14  | A0    -| N |-                        PWM/5 |  .
      .     | A1    -| O |-                        PWM/4 |  .
      .     | A2     +---+                    UART_RTS/3 |  .
      .     | A3                              UART_CTS/2 |  .
      .     | A4/SDA   ICSP                    UART_TX/1 |  .
      IO19  | A5/SCL +-----------------------+ UART_RX/0 |  IO0
            |        | RST  SCK/13   MISO/12 |           |
            |        | GND  MOSI/11  5V      |           |
            |        +-----------------------+ __________/

BTW, what is that notch at the bottom about, what should it represent?

AsuraZeng commented 1 year ago

notch Surrounding ICSP with a dotted line is good advice. the notch is just for looks.

BaochengSu commented 1 year ago

BTW, what is that notch at the bottom about, what should it represent?

Almost every uno shield has such notch.