siemens / meta-iot2050

SIMATIC IOT2050 Isar/Debian Board Support Package
MIT License
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Integrate .deb package #425

Closed enzo-digex closed 1 year ago

enzo-digex commented 1 year ago

I know that it is an awful idea...but there is no other way: We need to integrate a debian package into our yocto project. Can anyone give me a hint how such a recipe should look like?

My bb file is:

DESCRIPTION = "Installation deb package"

SRC_URI = "\ 
            file://mypackage.deb;unpack=0 \

DEBIAN_DEPENDS += " dpkg-native "

do_install_append() {
    touch ${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}/var/lib/dpkg/status
    ${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/usr/bin/dpkg --instdir=${D}/ \
    --admindir=${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}/var/lib/dpkg/ \
     -i ${WORKDIR}/mypackage.deb

But this throws an error:

Reading state information...
E: Unable to locate package mypackage
WARNING: exit code 100 from a shell command.
ERROR: Error executing a python function in exec_python_func() autogenerated:

The stack trace of python calls that resulted in this exception/failure was:
File: 'exec_python_func() autogenerated', lineno: 2, function: <module>
 *** 0002:do_rootfs_install(d)
File: '/work/isar/meta/classes/rootfs.bbclass', lineno: 187, function: do_rootfs_install
     0183:                                     shared=True)
     0185:, d)
 *** 0187:        if (d.getVarFlag(cmd, 'isar-apt-lock') or "") == "release-after":
     0188:            bb.utils.unlockfile(lock)
     0189:    progress_reporter.finish()
     0191:addtask rootfs_install before do_rootfs_postprocess after do_unpack
File: '/work/isar/bitbake/lib/bb/', lineno: 251, function: exec_func
     0247:    with bb.utils.fileslocked(lockfiles):
     0248:        if ispython:
     0249:            exec_func_python(func, d, runfile, cwd=adir)
     0250:        else:
 *** 0251:            exec_func_shell(func, d, runfile, cwd=adir)
     0253:    try:
     0254:        curcwd = os.getcwd()
     0255:    except:
File: '/work/isar/bitbake/lib/bb/', lineno: 452, function: exec_func_shell
     0448:    with open(fifopath, 'r+b', buffering=0) as fifo:
     0449:        try:
     0450:            bb.debug(2, "Executing shell function %s" % func)
     0451:            with open(os.devnull, 'r+') as stdin, logfile:
 *** 0452:      , shell=False, stdin=stdin, log=logfile, extrafiles=[(fifo,readfifo)])
     0453:        finally:
     0454:            os.unlink(fifopath)
     0456:    bb.debug(2, "Shell function %s finished" % func)
File: '/work/isar/bitbake/lib/bb/', lineno: 182, function: run
     0178:        if not stderr is None:
     0179:            stderr = stderr.decode("utf-8")
     0181:    if pipe.returncode != 0:
 *** 0182:        raise ExecutionError(cmd, pipe.returncode, stdout, stderr)
     0183:    return stdout, stderr
Exception: bb.process.ExecutionError: Execution of '/build/tmp/work/iot2050-debian-arm64/iot2050-image-example-iot2050-wic-img/1.0-r0/temp/run.rootfs_install_pkgs_download.91' failed with exit code 100:
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
E: Unable to locate package mypackage

I triple checked the situation...and the deb file is definitely in my recipe, but is not copied. So I suspect that my recipe is crap.

jan-kiszka commented 1 year ago

Err, this here is not meta-iot2000, thus not a Yocto project - hope that is clear :wink:.

I think you want to study for your problem. There is also

enzo-digex commented 1 year ago

My apologies for this mistake...of course I that this is not a Yocto project ;-) Applying the prebuilt-deb example, it integrates the package. But at the moment it is preparing to unpack the package it comes to the error "Unsupported Linux distribution". Well...I unpacked the *.deb file and looked in the DEBIAN/preinst file:


# check OS type
if [ -d /run/systemd/system ]; then
    echo "Unsupported Linux distribution"
    exit 7

# detect hardware platform
ARCH=`uname -m`
case "$ARCH" in
        echo "Unsupported hardware platform"
        exit 8

# in case of update scenario, otherwise it's an install
if [ "$1" = "2" -o "$1" = "upgrade" ]
    case $INIT_SYSTEM in
        systemctl stop hasplmd
        systemctl disable hasplmd

Obviously, it doesn't find the directory "/run/systemd/system"...How to get around this problem? Do I need to "patch" the deb package or is there any other possibility? I did not find any hint in the isar documentation...

jan-kiszka commented 1 year ago

Yes, you will need to massage the binary package before the do_dpkg_build task. We don't have a published example for that yet (AFAIK), but it could look similar to this:

inherit dpkg-prebuilt


do_repackage[cleandirs] = "${WORKDIR}/repack-tmp"
do_repackage() {
    cd ${WORKDIR}/repack-tmp
    rm -rf *
    ar xo $MY_DEB_FILE

    mkdir control
    tar -C control -xf control.tar
    mkdir data
    tar -C data -xf data.tar.zst

    <massage control or data content>

    tar -C control --owner=0 --group=0 -cf control.tar .
    tar -C data --owner=0 --group=0 -cf data.tar .
    xz -T0 data.tar
    ar rc $MY_DEB_FILE debian-binary control.tar data.tar.xz
addtask repackage after do_unpack before do_dpkg_build
jan-kiszka commented 1 year ago

BTW, that arch check of the preinst script is pretty pointless. You normally encode the supported arch into the meta data of the deb file. But, yeah... I've seen a lot of nonsense in downstream binary packages already.

enzo-digex commented 1 year ago

Yes...I know...but this is what we got from our supplier and customer wants this in his image...

Nevertheless...the do_repackage section was the missing part! thx for you help!

I close this issue