siemens / sw360

SW360 project
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Corrections on the license report #18

Open mcjaeger opened 5 years ago

mcjaeger commented 5 years ago

There are some minor corrections required.


First page:

Development Details:

2.4 Overview

3 Obligations

Sections "ReadmeOSS", "Buildinstructions" und "SourceCode Bundle"

mcjaeger commented 5 years ago

@myself: provide data to have actually the "the three times" thing.

thegrumpylion commented 5 years ago


One thing that is not implemented is "link to attachment". There are 2 issues with this.

The "LicenseInfoService" method "getLicenseInfoFile" needs to change signature to support passing to it information that are necessary to construct a valid URL to the attachment by the means of "PortalUtil.getPortalURL(request)" and "PortalUtil.getPathContext(request)" since we have no access to PortalUtil in the backend.

Even if there is a way to get all the information needed in the backend, there is still the issue that the signature of "OutputGenerator" abstract class method "generateOutputFile" needs to change to have the relevant data for the URL passed down to docx generator.

The questions then are