siemon-geeroms / yarvis

custom integration that extents the default conversation agent of home assistant with regex capabilities.
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Feature Request: Intercept responses from Assist #4

Open jazzmonger opened 9 months ago

jazzmonger commented 9 months ago

Any way to intercept responses and trigger based on what they are????

Im trying to send commands that are not understood by Assist to Alexa... Basicially I want a trigger in an automation anytime Assist spits out "Sorry I couldn't understand that" and then send it on to Alexa. The use cases are too numerous to list!

No only would this be useful as I've outlined, I could see taking another action based on whatever the response from Assist is.

ACiDGRiM commented 9 months ago

I want this same feature, to forward all requests that don't match a sentence to GPT for generative responces

I.e. Hey Hal, turn on the lights > matches a assist sentence and turns on the lights Hey Hal, Open the Pod bay doors, please > forwarded to GPT api > response: “I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

jazzmonger commented 9 months ago

I want this same feature, to forward all requests that don't match a sentence to GPT for generative responces

I.e. Hey Hal, turn on the lights > matches a assist sentence and turns on the lights Hey Hal, Open the Pod bay doors, please > forwarded to GPT api > response: “I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

Turns out this is called "pipeline chaining". The HA devs are looking into it, and it's a heavily requested feature that has all kinds of uses.


siemon-geeroms commented 9 months ago

I want this same feature, to forward all requests that don't match a sentence to GPT for generative responces

I.e. Hey Hal, turn on the lights > matches a assist sentence and turns on the lights Hey Hal, Open the Pod bay doors, please > forwarded to GPT api > response: “I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

Actually I'm already doing this. if no sentence match I forward it to the "HOME_ASSISTANT_AGENT". It should be a small change to allow this to be altered in the config flow, if I have the time this weekend I will try to implement this.

jazzmonger commented 9 months ago

Actually I'm already doing this. if no sentence match I forward it to the "HOME_ASSISTANT_AGENT".

HOW??? I didn't know it was possible to detect "I don't understand that" from Assist... Oh wait.... I see you're the author of this!

So you're saying you could also intercept a failure of the Assist pipeline some how and then let us forward the same sentence on to say Alexa by calling a service?

for context, this is how I manually send sentences to Alexa for processing instead of speaking them.

          - service: media_player.play_media
              entity_id: media_player.kitchen_original
              media_content_type: custom
              media_content_id: 'play ac dc on Apple Music'   

So when Assist fails to understand anything, I'd want to pass it on to Alexa (or ChatGPT, or whatever):

          - service: media_player.play_media
              entity_id: media_player.kitchen_original
              media_content_type: custom
              media_content_id:  "{sensor.sentence}"
mwhdc commented 7 months ago

Actually I'm already doing this. if no sentence match I forward it to the "HOME_ASSISTANT_AGENT". It should be a small change to allow this to be altered in the config flow, if I have the time this weekend I will try to implement this.

This would be great. With your code I have connected Google Assistant, Google Gemini, OpenAI GPT, and even Alexa (send only) to a single assistant. I would love to be able to select one of those as the fallback instead of the HA agent with its relatively few defined intents. If I get it working in your code I'll submit a PR. Thanks for publishing this.

jazzmonger commented 7 months ago

I gave up on HA pipeline. Too many problems, no way to recover from. I'm now using Willow with local inference server & an ESP box3 with pipeline chaining, and it works really, really well.

Any commands not understood by ha are forwarded on to Alexa for processing.