sienori / Tab-Session-Manager

WebExtensions for restoring and saving window / tab states
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Tab Session Manager not working since Firefox v124 #1312

Open SimonCrouzet opened 2 months ago

SimonCrouzet commented 2 months ago

Short description

Since I got Firefox 124, Tab Session Manager is not working anymore. It opens properly but I constantly see 0 sessions. I can import previous sessions and the import goes fine, but still "0 sessions" displayed on the main panel.


Platform information

Additional context

JSON saved sessions from before the bug are still in my folder, no JSON saved after the bug

dBish6 commented 2 months ago

I can confirm. I use tab session manager all the time and since a few weeks ago now. When I save a session it only saves one at a time. So it always just shows the last saved session and the others are nowhere to be found. This doesn't happen on developer edition though, only for regular Firefox from what I can see.