Closed WinterSilence closed 2 years ago
Good start 😄 Precise the Title and Description of the issue.
Im am sure there are much better tutorials "how to write perfect issue?" on the internet (e.g. Writing-Good-Feature-Requests).
VS Debugger can explore dll content?!
What do you mean? I meant that you can debug your javascript running in Npp by attaching to it from Visual Studio.
Precise the Title and Description of the issue
it's common discuss & small project
What do you mean
I mean, debugger can inspect Library instance created as new Library("User32.dll");
or new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application")
But you leaved main theme this issue - I be glad to help you with JS refactoring.
P.S. look at yourself before teaching someone - I didn't use some coding/doc style because you do don't have it - read about .gitbub/ISSUE_TEMPLATE
OK let us discuss!
I mean, debugger can inspect Library instance created as new Library("User32.dll"); or new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application")?
Yes, the debugger allows to inspect and modify properties of instances.
But you leaved main theme this issue - I be glad to help you with JS refactoring.
Maybe because I did not understand the content of the issue description. Let me summarize what I understand from the description.
P.S. look at yourself before teaching someone - I didn't use some coding/doc style because you do don't have it - read about .gitbub/ISSUE_TEMPLATE
Nobody is perfect. ;-) Please don't judge, english is my third language. It was never my intention to teach you or to be unpolite. It was a try to shorten the mail ping pong by giving you the opportunity to do the best by you self if I let you know what are quality properties.
You are right there is no issue template or contribution rules. It was not werth to setup them if I was alone. Rules are very important as soon as there are more contributors. They prevent misunderstandings.
I assume you meant console.log could not print out string representation of complex objects like array or object
The code of class Console is not about console.log or codemirror, but about Terminal
nope, my example mixed browser console and cli terminal as in NppExec
codemirror - readable "shugar" for dumping values
If I understand it correctly, then we could create 2 feature requests. One for Terminal and another for Console.
class with one method(Terminal) look like strange +that naming it's confuse users. as you say, when project grow up then code grow up too. I vote to solutions based on OOP, but focused on easy/smarty scripting and created for np++ users - juniors started learn js, it's similar to greacemonkey.
From the perspective of design principles (e.g Interface Segregation Principle it is fully OK to have two abstractions instead of one. OOP is only a tool to satisfy such design principles by implementing several design patterns.
But back to the features you want to implement.
Terminal - the window at the bottom of application allowing to input commands, execute them asyncrously to the n++ and printing the stderr and stdout of the program appending it at the end. Terminal is used primary by end user of n++, who is writing or reading text or shell scrips.
Console.log() - the possibility for javascript developer to print context relevant information from every place in code which he wants to investigate. It provides a simple debugging possibility. This tool is only important at the development time of javascripts for n++. The browser way to printout the result of conlsole.log() is the Developer Window. In the Nodejs it is the stdout or stderr.
There is no need to implement the terminal and console in one class.
Terminal - the window at the bottom of application allowing to input commands, execute them asyncrously to the n++ and printing the stderr and stdout of the program appending it at the end.
no, no I'm talk about debug console without emulation terminal. I want easy tools for handy scripting without external tools as VS. Something similar to Greasemonkey, try create script in it - light editor with hightlight code and linter + some helpers to fast coding.
The conversation stopped!
, maybe with codemirror and display result in bottom dock, as example:2,
class wrapFileSystemObject
methodsVS Debugger can explore dll content?!