I need to remove the u500 device tree file from the free project and load it into the SD card by bbl. And already done so. My solution is this, write the device tree file and bbl to the SD card at the same time, and specify their location, 'freedom-u-sdk/riscv-pk/machine/minit.c' to load with this fixed address Device tree file. The device tree is not used in ‘freedom/bootrom/sdboot/head.S’. The bitstream and bbl image can be successfully generated, but when running on the u500, it will be stuck at the load bbl. That is to say, the print message "BOOT" stops working.
And, What is the role of 0x7ffff000?
I need to remove the u500 device tree file from the free project and load it into the SD card by bbl. And already done so. My solution is this, write the device tree file and bbl to the SD card at the same time, and specify their location, 'freedom-u-sdk/riscv-pk/machine/minit.c' to load with this fixed address Device tree file. The device tree is not used in ‘freedom/bootrom/sdboot/head.S’. The bitstream and bbl image can be successfully generated, but when running on the u500, it will be stuck at the load bbl. That is to say, the print message "BOOT" stops working.
And, What is the role of 0x7ffff000? 'freedom/bootrom/sdbot/head.S'