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For dumping more content to the site... #47

Open jadudm opened 7 years ago

jadudm commented 7 years ago

Matt, the script I mentioned has been checked in:


If you export the Excel sheet I sent to "submissions.csv" and run this script with that file in the current directory, you'll see what it does (produces separate *.yaml files, one per track, containing the submissions for that track in YAML form). Currently, order of output is determined by order in the CSV, so Excel can be used to sort on multiple criteria as desired. Sorting could be added inside the script, but managing it through Excel seems easier/simpler.

jadudm commented 7 years ago

Also, re: this script:

OK, will do. I've attached the excel version from EasyChair--actually, I downloaded the full submission table in Excel form, then used Excel to sort it by (1) decision and (2) track, then just deleted all the rows in the bottom of the table that were not accepted. This left me with a nice sheet of just the accepted submissions, grouped by track. Use Excel to export it to CSV for scripting (you can manually cut it into pieces if desired). I'd recommend not checking this raw data into github, but it is perfect for acting as the source for the various listing pages.