sigevo-summer-school-2018 / Analyzing-tiger-mosquito-disease-spread

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Programming the cellular automata #5

Closed yurimarca closed 6 years ago

yurimarca commented 6 years ago

Bi-dimensional cellula automata using the encoding of the rules from preview task.

fcofdezdevega commented 6 years ago

There are many places that you may found in google related to how to program the game of life (a bi-dimensional automata with a specific set of rules), such as:

fcofdezdevega commented 6 years ago

Try to begin programming a well known two-dimensional cellular automata, such as the game of life, so that you understand how they work. Try to encode the rules in the way you decide with your colleagues programming the GA. This way, when they provide you new rules, it will be easy to change them and the CA will work with the new rules.