siggame / MegaMinerAI-Game-Ideas

Game Ideas for each semester's MegaMinerAI
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Winter #43

Closed JacobFischer closed 5 years ago

JacobFischer commented 6 years ago



The apocalypse has happened, and humanity nuked itself into a nuclear winter. Now the weather is just getting worse. You have a ragtag group of survivors, and you must gather enough food to survive the winter. However another group of survivors has the same idea. You must gather more food than them so you can survive, while they get overrun. Winter is coming.

Oh yeah, and there are radioactive mindless people, aka zombies.




Each player starts with 5 survivors. The survivors start with some random gear (mirrored for each player).

Survivors are always statically identical. The only thing that changes them is the gear they pick up.

Survivors have the following stats:

Survivors can do the following:

Atomic Zombies

These are not regular zombies, they glow because of radiation and science.

Zombies are NPCs, and in between players turns execute the following "AI":

Move towards the unit with the largest player.noise^2/player.distance

Movement is done in a straight line, no A* or anything fancy.
Move vertically first, then horizontal. If stuck sit there.

Attack adjacent non-zombies after moving 1 tile.

Zombies also have 10 health, and can be killed. If they are killed they drop all gear. gear can affect zombies. Zombies don't know how to use guns though.

When a survivor dies a Zombie spawns on top of them with their gear equipped. (So they transform basically).


Gear are items around the map. They basically grant special abilities or stat bonuses to the Survivors that equip them. Some possible gear:

There is a special item, the Flag. When players drop it, it designates the 9 tiles around it to be their base, which sums up how much food they have to win. Flags can be picked up and moved if their base is determined to be worthless. You can't place flags on top of or adjacent to each other.

If the first flag placed is on a snow tile, it automatically creates Building tiles around it with barricades of 50 health


Tiles are generated at the start of the game. By default all tiles are Snow tiles. Some tiles are Building tiles and those may have items/gear on them to pick up.

Radios spawn around the map on some tiles. Trying to pick up a radio makes 50 noise but recruits a new survivor to that side's base (on their flag). Radios have a cool down.

Other tiles have barricades on them with health. Until their health reaches 0 they are impassible walls.


First player to get 200 food around their flag survives the winter. Failing that the player with the most food Failing that the player with the least survivors alive Failing that flip a coin

Possible additions

Possible strategies

ZachWileman commented 6 years ago

Sounds like a cool idea.


JeffreyStrahm commented 6 years ago
JacobFischer commented 6 years ago

Each player has 1 survivor that starts with their team's Flag as a gear item. That survivor must drop it to establish a base. Think of it like your initial Settler in Civilization.

Everything (zombies, buildings, gear) is randomly generated but mirrored initially. I'd never add an asymmetrical mechanic to a symmetrical game.

There is no hidden information, so all gear is known. Though most of the good stuff will be on initially spawned zombies so you'll have to fight for the loot.

I chose least because thematically you'd have less mouths to feed. However it's a third win condition and should be extremely rare so I don't really care either way.

If one teams survivors all die then yes the other team wins via extermination.

Zombies do 3 damage I guess. All numbers were just to give a "feel" for the game, I rarely care about the actual numbers.

JacobFischer commented 6 years ago

Avoid NPCs like the plague, it has never ended well, even when we supplied them their pathing algorithm.

So I'm the only one active on the game side that actually wrote that rule. I took that full into consideration. For reference this was MegaMinerAI 7: Piracy that has NPC Players.

NPC are discouraged, but you can pitch them for your game. Remember our "rules" are really just guidelines.

In this case think of the Zombies more as an element of the map that acts in a deterministic manner, similar to Bottles in Saloon and water in Stumped.

Most of the time when people think NPCs we are talking about complex 3rd parties that may be unpredictable. E.g. other civilizations in Civ games.

JeffreyStrahm commented 6 years ago

As I said, I understand surviving the winter, but you shouldn't reward players for bad gameplay. You are adding in a gambling of victory points as more survivors mean you can gather more stuff, but if you tie with food they can make you lose. Victory should determine who played better. With the current set up it is loyal to the theme, but it can make the worse AI win.

Also to be fair, there is no harm in trying it again since their actions are determined by a formula. However also keep in mind this gives a massive advantage to the player who act second. Assuming player 1 acts, then player two, then zombies. It would allow them to control the path of the zombies and essentially make anything player 1 does a gamble.

JacobFischer commented 6 years ago

Yo here's a recording of the game pitch to playback at the meeting tonight: