siggame / MegaMinerAI-Game-Ideas

Game Ideas for each semester's MegaMinerAI
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Armageddon 2176 #45

Closed SpaceCowboy76 closed 6 years ago

SpaceCowboy76 commented 6 years ago

Note This is my first draft of the game, I'm not dedicated to any of these numbers, they're open to change.

Overview: 400 years after the first American revolution, another one is in the midst. Government contracted forces have been over-exerting authority on the people for too long and the people are finally ready to do something about it. A local militia, The Guardians, have set up base near the Military-Industrial Corporation, Armageddon, outpost to sabotage their operations and establish peace in the region. Unbeknownst to The Guardians, Armageddon is trying to achieve the same goals. You’ll need to build your base into a fortress or destroy the enemy base to gain control of the warring region.

Two player turn based tile game 30 x 30 map Map is procedurally generated, along with base locations, in-game objects, and resources Each team starts out with 5 units and can generate new units

Win Condition: Both bases are on opposite sides of the map but equally distant from one another, they start out at 250 health. Base must have 500 health to qualify as a fortress Base with 0 health be destroyed Resources can be deposited at home base to increase health of base or deposited at an enemy base to deal damage to the base Each unit deals 75% of its damage when attacking an enemy base

Four different units per team:

Collector -Fast (4 tiles per turn) -Low damage (2 damage) -Medium Health (10 health) -No armor -Able to collect up to 4 resources -Has 1 slot for in-game objects -1 turn to generate

Sentry -Slow (2 tiles per turn) -High damage (6 damage) -Reduced health (7 health) -Has armor (5 armor) that can be regenerated by collecting resources -Able to collect only 1 resource -Has 1 slot for in-game objects -3 turns to generate

Cyborg -Normal speed (3 tiles per turn) -Medium damage (4 damage) -Does 1.5x damage against armor (6 damage) -High health (15 health) -Cannot collect resources, -Has 2 slots for in-game objects -2 turns to generate

Hunter -Extra Fast (8 tiles per turn) -Extra Low health (3 health) -Medium-High damage (5 damage) -No armor -Can collect up to 2 resources -Has 1 slot for in-game objects -Can regenerate health (1 health per turn) -2 turns to generate

Game Objects:

Hermes’ Sneakers -Increases movement speed by 50%

Titan Armor -Adds 3 armor

Hand Cannon -Increases damaged dealt by 20%

Backpack -Adds an extra slot for resource collection

First Aid Kit -Adds 2 health

Mysterious Elixir -Decreases damage inflicted by 20%

Stealth Ward -Makes unit immune for one turn, also unable to attack

Resources: Steel -Increases base health by 6

Stone -Increases base health by 3

Wood -Increases base health by 2

Titanium -Increases base health by 8

Gunpowder/Matches -Decreases base health by 4, stackable up to 5 times in one turn

Gasoline/Matches -Decreases base health by 9, stackable up to 2 times in turn

JeffreyStrahm commented 6 years ago
SpaceCowboy76 commented 6 years ago

Resources are posted at the bottom of the issue. Armor is an independent health system, I would mostly treat it the same way it's treated in Hearthstone.

JeffreyStrahm commented 6 years ago

Got it, my bad.