siggame / MegaMinerAI-Game-Ideas

Game Ideas for each semester's MegaMinerAI
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Siege (or catapult kings, still a working title) #49

Closed JeffreyStrahm closed 6 years ago

JeffreyStrahm commented 6 years ago

The game:

Edit1: Changed the story. This should be a little better. Also added a few details here and there. Edit2: Changed the naming conventions and improved the story. Edit3: changed more wording. Added some details


p.s. Help me come up with a better name! p.s.s. Inspired off the mobile game stormbound

The Story

There once was a great nation called Rollonia! It was a great kingdom known for its engineering. Sadly their great king passed away in a test involving a flying cow. Now all that was left was his two twin sons/daughters, and no one knew who the older one was! This lead to a civil war over who was the rightful heir. Being engineers, they fortified too well and it became extremely difficult to send out troops to attack the other heir. Thus they resorted to their catapults to launch their units, building, and potions into the field to take out the enemy! Prove you are the true heir to the throne!


The game continues until one player's base has been destroyed or 50 turns have passed If 50 turns have passed, the player with the most health wins Otherwise, it is whoever it however controls the most territory. Otherwise, it is whoever has the most total unit HP Otherwise, it is a coin flip.


The map is a flat 7 by 7 grid with each player having a base that takes up an entire row at the top and bottom of the map, leaving a 5 by 7 play area. Any time an opposing unit enters these rows, they do damage to the base.


Territory decides where you can spawn units. Your territory always consists of the row in front of your base. It also consists of every row that you have a unit on, and every row behind them, towards your base. This will never include the row in from of your enemies' base.


In this game, there are three types of cards each with unique features. Note that all cards have a cost assigned to them. This is what you must pay to play the card.

Units: Unit cards have 2 stats, HP, and Movement. When played they will move forward as many spaces as their movement value allows. At the time of summoning, they will be able to attack units in other columns, however, this is the only time this can occur. Otherwise, they will move forward on their column. Then they will move forward one space every turn. The second value is HP. This will be explained further in the combat section, but in short, it decides how much they do before they die. May have effects that occur upon play.

Buildings: These are stationary objects on the field that will have 1 characteristic, HP. HP is treated the same for buildings as it is for units. The abilities of buildings can vary, they can be buffing allies ahead of them or even be nothing at all.

potions: Every potion does something unique. A potion can do anything from damaging a unit to healing or allowing units to move again. The main factor is that they are not limited by your territory, and can be played anywhere as long as it is a valid target. Spells can either be a target friendly type (unit, building or both), target enemy type (unit, building, or both) and or target an empty square.

NOTE These are simply the possibilities of these and will be cut down for the actual game.


You can upgrade sections of your wall to give you buffs like reduced damage, attacking things, or reducing the cost of cards.


When it comes to combat, it is quite simple. For every HP an attacker has, it will do one point of damage to the enemy. They will also take one point of damage for every point they do. If two three HP units attacked each other, both will die. Attacking is simply determined by a Unit walking into an enemy Unit or building. If a unit has four HP and another has one HP then the four HP unit will win with three HP.


At the start of the game, the player going first gets 3 resources and the other player gets 4. They both draw a full hand at the start of their turn. When drawing, a player may choose any card to take from the deck, as long as they don't already have it in their hand. Then they simply get to start playing.

Every turn a player will get to chose a card to draw from the deck to fill their hand back up to four, and may discard one card per turn and replace it with another card. Players will also lose any unspent resources and will get the number of resources they receive last turn (3 for the player going first, 4 for the player going second) plus one.

Methods for rubberbanding: Make cards that get better and better the worse off you are.