siggame / MegaMinerAI-Game-Ideas

Game Ideas for each semester's MegaMinerAI
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Symbiosis #61

Open JeffreyStrahm opened 5 years ago

JeffreyStrahm commented 5 years ago

The Game



Two teams of scientists who have mastered evolution are having a competition to see who can make the best eco-system. Prove your team are better than the other and get permanent bragging rights over your co-workers!


Simply put, be more successful than your opponent! Wither it be just having a larger, denser, ecosystem, or killing your opponent.

  1. If your opponent died, you win
  2. If you have more biomass, you win. (aka pop count + food in bellies)
  3. If you have the healthiest population (most HP, age not counted)
  4. otherwise coin flip.


The map is 160 by 85. Around the island, there is water with a few sparse lakes. every tile has a vegetation value. These values grow by a set growth rate every turn (I would stay away from vegetation spread as it would be too complex for the player).


This is how a species changes from it's starting basic biomass to a complex organism with its own place in the ecosystem! Each creature has the following traits.

Trait Start Cap Min cost (EP) description
Land Speed 1 5 0 1 "How many tiles per turn your creature can move on land"
Aquatic Speed 1 5 0 1 "How many tiles per turn your creature can move in the water"
Fat 1 10 0 1 "The amount of food a creature can store in its belly"
Claws 0 4 0 2 "The amount of damage the creatures does when attacking"
Reach 0 3 1 4 "The distance at which this creature can interact"
Vegetarian 1 5 0 1 "The number of vegetation this creature can eat per turn."
Carnivore 0 5 0 1 "The number of meat this creature can eat per turn"
Land Regen 1 10 -5 4 "The amount of energy this creaturs regens when on land"
Aquatic Regen -5 10 -5 4 "The amount of energy this creature regens when in the sea"

Creatures gain 1 evolution points every x turns and they also gain the ability to refund one trait, lowering it a level and gaining its cost in EP. All creatures of a player evolve in the same way.


Every creature has a few properties:

Energy - this is used whenever a creature performs an action like moving and attacking. Regens based on the designated regen rate. If it drops below 0, the creatures die due to exhaustion/drowning/starvation. They do not regen if they didn't eat and had no food stored to compensate. Fat - The amount of food the creature has in reserve. Age - The current age of this creature. Once x turns has passed and it reaches the age limit, the creature dies and drops less meat than if it was killed. Health - The amount of HP these creatures has. Regens every turn, bonus if eating. If it hits 0 or below, the creature dies. Drops more food if it has stored food in fat. EP - the number of unspent evolution points.

Actions: These are the actions creatures can take

Attack - does damage to the target according to the claw damage. Reach controls how far away you can target. Costs energy Move - Moves the creature the number of tiles they can. Costs energy to move at all. Breed - Create another of your species! (can only do this with another of your species, not even your teammates) Eat - eats food within reach distance. The amount you eat is determined by your Carnivore and Vegetarian traits