siggame / MegaMinerAI-Game-Ideas

Game Ideas for each semester's MegaMinerAI
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Behemoths #71

Open JeffreyStrahm opened 3 years ago

JeffreyStrahm commented 3 years ago

Do you like giant monsters/robots? Do you like conquering/defending the world? Then what are you waiting for?!

This game is a capture the node-based game where you must use your mechs/monsters to control the world. Each team starts with their behemoths on the opposite sides of a world map. All the major cities of the world, surprisingly few, are scattered throughout the world. Each turn you get a point for every city you control. To control a city, simply stand ontop of the city to dominate it. (red -> grey -> blue)

How do you fight? Because lets be real, why wouldn't you? It is quite simple, you walk up to your opponent and punch them! If a behemoths health is depleted it is teleported home and is fully restored! The further it is from home the longer it takes to heal. They can initiate this at any time on purpose.

Each turn you get a small number of points to upgrade and power up your behemoths. You can do anything from heal a behemoth to help it win an important battle, to increase its attack range, or improve it's movement so it travels faster. You can even use it to speed up the transport of behemoths!

How do you get more points?! You can't do much to do it. Luckily people are rather spiteful to those who conquer them and will support the other team but offering them more supply! The traitors!

Terrain can even play a role as oceans and mountains will effect combat and movement! Possibly make it so walking mechs can't pass through mountains but flying units can!

Maybe even let them launch missiles that travel across the map and detonate areas. Cool weapons are always fun.

Be vigilant and best of luck conquering/saving the world!

p.s. don't ask why people want to support giant aliens over the robots. Some people must not like authority or something.

TwinNumberOne commented 3 years ago

I really want to win for the 4th time in a row why did you have to recommend such a fun idea?

TwinNumberOne commented 3 years ago

My only worry is how many points you gain based on territory held because with your bounce-back mechanic giving points based on territory held by the enemy and your held territory would it be a problem of you letting the enemy hold over half the territory and just try and stalemate it at that point to farm points and mate your giant robot or aliens can start to become way more powerful than the enemy.