sighmon / mjml-rails

MJML + ERb/Haml/Slim view template
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followed all steps for heroku but still getting missing binary message. #49

Open joshkestenberg opened 5 years ago

joshkestenberg commented 5 years ago

I followed the Heroku instructions by adding the node buildpack and package.json but I'm still seeing a message about an unfound binary.

My package.json reads:

{ "name": "appname", "version": "1.0.0", "dependencies": { "mjml": "^4.0.0" } }

and there is no error thrown in the node build, but I still see:

"Couldn't find the MJML binary.. have you run $ npm install mjml? "

when initialising the rails app. I have yet to write any mjml so I don't know whether or not the pacakge is working, and I don't have a lot of experience with npm. Do you have an advice for me?

joshkestenberg commented 5 years ago

hmm.. even locally when I do execute npm install mjml I seem to get that same message.

sighmon commented 5 years ago

@joshkestenberg perhaps try the latest version in package.json:

"dependencies": {
  "mjml": "~4.3.1"

I don't have a lot of experience with npm either, but maybe try installing it globally with npm install -g mjml and then test that you can access mjml on the command line in your rails directory with mjml --version.

joshkestenberg commented 5 years ago

I tried both updating package.json and global install, and the outcome hasn't changed. mjml --version yields:

mjml-core: 4.4.0-beta.1
mjml-cli: 4.4.0-beta.1

I appreciate the help. I'll wait til I actually start using the library to see whether or not the message I'm receiving is actually an indication that it's not working, or just a bug in and of itself.

sighmon commented 5 years ago

@joshkestenberg Ah, you're on the beta - I wonder if works for a beta tag like that.

I've only ever tested against release versions.

sighmon commented 5 years ago

@joshkestenberg I tried it on the command line... maybe you can try this too and see if it works for you:

rails c
IO.popen("mjml --version") { |io|"mjml-core: 4.") }
 => true 

To simulate the beta I used:

rails c
"mjml-core: 4.4.0-beta.1".include?("mjml-core: 4.")
 => true 

So it still seems as though your Ruby environment can't see mjml at all.

denny commented 3 years ago

I have this warning on every deploy on Heroku, but the mjml stuff in my app actually works fine. I think it's something to do with the order the node stuff installs but I'm not sure, and the config changes I tried made no difference... I gave up worrying about it in the end.

sighmon commented 3 years ago

@denny Does 4.6.0 allowing you to set the path to the binary help?

# config/initializers/mjml.rb
Mjml.setup do |config|
  config.mjml_binary = "/path/to/custom/mjml"
sandip-mane commented 3 years ago

Facing this same problem.

sighmon commented 3 years ago

@sandip-mane Do you have an example project you can point me to with the code you're running?

vinay0x commented 3 years ago

@sighmon I work with @sandip-mane and we've been trying to fix the issue for a week now. I've created another sample repo which we use as a base for all our projects, and I've added MJML to it. It's a Heroku-ready repository and it also faces the same issue.

Screenshot 2021-02-28 at 9 25 59 AM

Things we've tried: 1) Set the MJML binary location manually - Tried setting it to Rails.root.to_a + "/node_modules/mjml/bin/mjml" but throws the following error: ![image]( It could be failing because of how Heroku handles the build process. 2) **Ranyarn global add mjmlduring build process** -rails-mjml` still doesn't recognize it. 3) Tried different versions of MJML and mjml-rails

Any help would be really appreciated.

sighmon commented 3 years ago

@vinay0x Have you added a heroku build pack for it at index 1?

sandip-mane commented 3 years ago

@sighmon Yes, the nodejs buildpack is at index 1. (This is from the app on which I am facing the issue. Not the sample app deployed by @vinay0x)


vinay0x commented 3 years ago

@vinay0x Have you added a heroku build pack for it at index 1?

Same here. Node.js buildpack is at index 1.

sighmon commented 3 years ago

@sandip-mane Did you try moving the heroku/ruby build pack right below the heroku/nodejs one?

vinay0x commented 3 years ago

@sighmon Yes, I had tried doing the same with @sandip-mane but to no avail.

sighmon commented 3 years ago

@sandip-mane @vinay0x When you bash into Heroku, is there any sign of mjml manually? Here's what I see:

$ heroku run bash -a newint
Running bash on ⬢ s... up, run.4106 (Standard-1X)
~ $ which mjml
fpjoe commented 3 years ago

We're having the same issue, getting the same errors. Tried most of the same things mentioned by @vinay0x (1 and 3, was about to try 2). Currently trying 4.6.1 of the gem and npm package.

When I bashed into Heroku, I got:

$ heroku run bash -a xxxxxx
Running bash on ⬢ xxxxxx... up, run.5882 (Standard-1X)
~ $ which mjml
~ $ mjml
bash: mjml: command not found
sighmon commented 3 years ago

@fpjoe What do you see during a deployment for this section:

remote: -----> Building on the Heroku-20 stack
remote: -----> Using buildpacks:
remote:        1. heroku/nodejs
remote:        2. heroku/ruby
remote: -----> Node.js app detected

Are you running more than two buildpacks? Is nodejs definitely first in your deploy logs?

fpjoe commented 3 years ago

We got it working, by doing #2 from @vinay0x list, i.e. adding this to package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "build": "npm install mjml --global"
zalom commented 1 year ago

This can help as well. We used a slug cleaner build pack on Heroku, and we removed node_modules in the process. Effectively introducing the

Couldn't find the MJML 4.0. binary.. have you run $ npm install mjml?


The trick was to add npm install mjml@4.9.0 to run at the end (the solution from above -> would not work for us because our cleaner was the last build pack.

In the end, we forked the desired build pack and then ran the install of MJML version 4.9.0. If you have a mismatch in versions, it will not work ->

To check the version of Mjml, we used ->

irb(main):004:0> Mjml.mjml_binary_version_supported
=> "4.9.0"

And to verify that it finds the executable we used ->

irb(main):001:0> mjml_bin = `which mjml`.chomp
=> "/app/node_modules/.bin/mjml"
irb(main):003:0> Mjml.check_version(mjml_bin)
=> false

Also checking things from bash ->

~ $ which mjml
~ $ mjml --version
mjml-core: 4.6.0
mjml-cli: 4.6.0
~ $