sighupio / fury-distribution

Kubernetes Fury Distribution (Core Modules) - A battle-tested open-source Kubernetes distribution
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Furyctl validated correctly but `furyctl apply` reports missing values #211

Open FedericoAntoniazzi opened 4 months ago

FedericoAntoniazzi commented 4 months ago


I have a furyctl.yaml file for an OnPremises installation, which currently needs the CNI only:

kind: OnPremises
  name: fury-poc
  distributionVersion: v1.27.3
        type: "calico"
          type: none
        type: none
        type: none

I made sure everything was okay by validating the config

❯ furyctl validate config
INFO Downloading distribution...                  
INFO Compatibility patches applied for v1.27.3    
INFO configuration file validation succeeded      
INFO There is a newer release available: v0.28.0  

But then, when running the apply, I got the following error:

❯ furyctl apply --phase distribution --skip-nodes-upgrade --force upgrades
INFO Downloading distribution...                  
INFO Compatibility patches applied for v1.27.3    
INFO Validating configuration file...             
INFO Downloading dependencies...                  
INFO There is a newer release available: v0.28.0  
INFO Validating dependencies...                   
INFO Running preflight checks                     
INFO Checking that the cluster is reachable...    
INFO Preflight checks completed successfully      
INFO Running preupgrade phase...                  
INFO Preupgrade phase completed successfully      
INFO Installing Kubernetes Fury Distribution...   
INFO Checking that the cluster is reachable...    
INFO Checking storage classes...                  
WARN No storage classes found in the cluster. logging module (if enabled), tracing module (if enabled), dr module (if enabled) and prometheus-operated package installation will be skipped. You need to install a StorageClass and re-run furyctl to install the missing components. 
ERRO error while creating cluster: error while executing distribution phase: error while executing phase: error preparing distribution phase: error copying from template: error generating from template files: error applying templates: error processing template: template: cert-manager-clusterissuer.yml.tpl:40:17: executing "cert-manager-clusterissuer.yml.tpl" at <.spec.distribution.modules.ingress.certManager.clusterIssuer.solvers>: map has no entry for key "solvers" filePath: /var/folders/mf/vblq1rpx01571403sbmyb6m40000gn/T/furyctl-3210227887/data/templates/distribution/manifests/ingress/resources/cert-manager-clusterissuer.yml.tpl 

I also tried setting the parameter --force all but the error persists.

nutellinoit commented 4 months ago

You are using an outaded distro and furyctl version, you should update to the latest.

Apart from that, in the ingress module certManager must be configured, even if the nginx is none.

        # configurations for the nginx ingress controller package
          # type defines if the nginx should be configured as single or dual (internal + external) or none, with none no ingress controller will be deployed and also no ingress resource will be created
          type: none
          # the tls section defines how the tls for the ingresses should be managed
            # provider can be certManager, secret
            provider: certManager
        # configuration for the cert-manager package
          # the configuration for the clusterIssuer that will be created
            # the name of the clusterIssuer
            name: letsencrypt-fury
            # the email used during issuing procedures
            # you can configure the clusterIssuer by specifing type (can be only http01) or custom solvers
            type: http01
nutellinoit commented 4 months ago

The fury version should be v1.27.5 and the furyctl version should be 0.28.0

FedericoAntoniazzi commented 4 months ago

Hi Samuele,

In this scenario, I'm operating in a cluster that may not have internet connectivity in the future and no ports exposed on the internet. Is it possible to disable the default issuer in favor of a self-signed one?

FedericoAntoniazzi commented 4 months ago

Back to the original issue, spec.distribution.modules.ingress.certManager is not marked as mandatory in the schema