sighupio / furyctl

furyctl is the KFD (Kubernetes Fury Distribution) lifecycle manager
Apache License 2.0
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Cannot disable MinIO on logging module #486

Open FedericoAntoniazzi opened 4 months ago

FedericoAntoniazzi commented 4 months ago

Hi, I was experimenting with furyctl v0.27.4 and I noticed I couldn't disable the creation MinIO instances when configuring an external endpoint.

Here's the snippet from my furyctl.yaml file:

        type: loki
        minio: {} # This is an attempt to disable MinIO
          backend: externalEndpoint
            endpoint: minio-hot.objectstorage.svc.cluster.local:9000
            insecure: true
            bucketName: loki
            accessKeyId: minio
            secretAccessKey: minio123
nutellinoit commented 3 months ago

Minio cannot be removed, is used by fluentd to send error logs

FedericoAntoniazzi commented 3 months ago

Hi @nutellinoit, sorry for the late reply. In the scenario I was working, I had a single MinIO cluster running in the cluster using Local volumes (no CSI). I thought was nice to use it instead of having multiple MinIO clusters running on Kubernetes.

Also, in another scenario, I have a single MinIO instance using an iSCSI volume because there is a fixed amount of storage available.

I also get the point and the benefits of having a dedicated comes by default for the errors