sighupio / furyctl

furyctl is the KFD (Kubernetes Fury Distribution) lifecycle manager
Apache License 2.0
32 stars 4 forks source link

`--outdir .` flag value makes furyctl not working correctly #508

Open alessiodionisi opened 2 months ago

alessiodionisi commented 2 months ago

When --outdir value is . furyctl cannot find binaries.

$ furyctl apply --debug --outdir . --distro-location ../../fury-distribution --dry-run
DEBU logging to: .furyctl/furyctl.1713949596-73917.log
DEBU Getting Home Directory Path...
INFO Dry run mode enabled, no changes will be applied
INFO Downloading distribution...
DEBU Downloading '/Users/alessiodionisi/Projects/sighupio/fury-distribution' in '/var/folders/qt/7dtl66_55rdc5dpfg3q04jjr0000gn/T/furyctl-4096927723/data'
INFO Validating configuration file...
INFO Downloading dependencies...
DEBU Cleaning vendor folder
INFO Validating dependencies...
INFO Running preflight checks
INFO Checking that the cluster is reachable...
ERRO error while creating cluster: error while executing preflight phase: cluster is unreachable, make sure you have access to the cluster: error getting kubectl version: .furyctl/bin/kubectl/1.28.7/kubectl .furyctl/bin/kubectl/1.28.7/kubectl version -o json: command failed - fork/exec .furyctl/bin/kubectl/1.28.7/kubectl: no such file or directory

Temporary fix: --outdir $PWD