sigma-geosistemas / Leaflet.awesome-markers

Colorful, iconic & retina-proof markers for Leaflet, based on the Font Awesome/Twitter Bootstrap icons.
MIT License
42 stars 20 forks source link

Property 'AwesomeMarkers' does not exist on type 'typeof "....../node_modules/@types/leaflet/index"'. #14

Closed rguntha closed 6 years ago

rguntha commented 6 years ago

Hi, I am using Ionic 3.0 leaflet@1.3.3 leaflet.awesome-markers@2.0.4 @types/leaflet@1.2.9 @types/leaflet.awesome-markers@2.0.23

When I use ionic serve, I get the above error. But when I make any change to the code and it auto builds the changes and the issue is gone. But it always occurrs when I first run the ionic serve command.

AlexGreg commented 6 years ago

I think is related to the @type library and not this one, based on the error

closing for now