sigma-geosistemas / Leaflet.awesome-markers

Colorful, iconic & retina-proof markers for Leaflet, based on the Font Awesome/Twitter Bootstrap icons.
MIT License
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How can I use this module with embedded icons at offline without loading icons through CDN? #17

Closed JeongJun-Lee closed 6 years ago

JeongJun-Lee commented 6 years ago

At using plugin(, you mentioned "Add the ionicon stylesheet from a CDN or download ionicons". Do you have any example to use downloaded ionicons, not CDN?

AlexGreg commented 6 years ago

instead of pointing to CDN, add the relative path to where you've downloaded the ionicons

JeongJun-Lee commented 6 years ago

could you give me a example?

AlexGreg commented 6 years ago

this example is with fontawesome, but it's the same even with ionicons