sigma67 / spotify_to_ytmusic

Clone a Spotify playlist to YouTube Music
MIT License
791 stars 65 forks source link

Update playlists without deletion #44

Closed Pathrus closed 1 year ago

Pathrus commented 1 year ago


First thanks for your work this is a vert interesting and usefull project. This is not an issue but more a question on how to modify the code to update a existing playlist without delete all the songs before.

I try to comment the line 178 remove_songs but it doesn't transfert songs anymore. Do you know why it doesn't transfert songs or do you have suggestions on what to modify to be able to do that ?

Thanks, Pierre

sigma67 commented 1 year ago

Why wouldn't removing l.178 work? It should work just fine if you want to append items instead of replacing the playlist.