Thank you so much for the ytmusicapi, I used it for a script that removes the currently playing song from a playlist.
For one of my playlists (it is working as expected for all the others) the trackCount dictionary key from YTMusic.get_playlist returns 1.
To reproduce:
from ytmusicapi.ytmusic import YTMusic
playlistId = <'id_string'>
playlist = ytmusic.get_playlist(playlistId,None)
trackCount = playlist.get('trackCount')
trackCount always equals 1 for this playlist, even if I specify a value instead of "None" for the number of tracks to retrieve info for.
I can retrieve the proper track count by using:
trackinfo = playlist.get('tracks')
trackCount = len(trackinfo)
I'm not sure why this playlist behaves differently than the others. It may helpful to note that the playlist was created over a year ago, has over 1000 tracks, and the playlistId end with an underscore.
Thank you so much for the ytmusicapi, I used it for a script that removes the currently playing song from a playlist.
For one of my playlists (it is working as expected for all the others) the trackCount dictionary key from YTMusic.get_playlist returns 1.
To reproduce: from ytmusicapi.ytmusic import YTMusic