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fix failing cucumber tests (issue #106) #113

Open bill-auger opened 9 years ago

bill-auger commented 9 years ago

User#recipient_label method was prefering to show identifier instead of email when nick was undefined but the test was expecting an email address - not sure which was the intended behavior but showing email to the user rather than an obtuse ID seems more reasonable

is it possible this could be a private email address ? then perhaps to modify the test instead to expexct an ID - the original implementation would still show the email address however in cases where no nick nor ID is defined if such a state is possible

bill-auger commented 9 years ago

several tests that filled fields on the Distribution edit form were were passing and failing intermittently - this was most likely due to the 'auto-complete' feature

notably scenarios:

adding a one second delay to these steps has made all tests passing

bill-auger commented 9 years ago

the additions to the last commit were intended to be included in the previous commit

these steps were not the source of any test failures but if the autocomplete feature was the cause of the failures addressed by this pull request, then the potential exists for these to be problematic - as these failures were intermittent and therefore insideous its best to guard against them

the sibling 'email' field does not implement the autocomplete feature so i assume no wait is needed for its related step