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Add BosphorusSign22k #50

Closed cleong110 closed 1 week ago

cleong110 commented 1 month ago describes a new updated version of BosphorusSign which is intended to supercede it apparently.

Dataset-adding checklist:



  "pub": {
    "name": string, # this gets used as the name of the dataset, e.g. "WLASL"
    "year": integer or null,
    "publication":string or null, # this matches a key in references.bib, e.g. "dataset:joshiISLTranslateDatasetTranslating2023"
    "url": string or null # URL to access it. e.g. ""
  "#loader": string or null, # the key you would use in the sign language datasets library. e.g. "dgs_corpus". Website will auto-link
  "#items": integer or null, # this is the number of unique signs in the column
  "#samples": string or null, # e.g. "1100 videos" or "8,257 Sentences"
  "#signers": integer or string or null, # number of unique signers
  "features": array of strings, ["feature1","feature2"], # I've seen things like "mouthing", "video:RGB", "pose:Kinect", "pose:OpenPose","text:Polish", "gloss:ASL", "writing:HamNoSys", etc.
  "language": string, # the Sign language or languages, e.g. "American" for American Sign Language (ASL)
  "license": string or null,
  "licenseUrl": string or null
cleong110 commented 1 week ago

Official citation according to rebiber:

 address = {Marseille, France},
 author = {{\"O}zdemir, O{\u{g}}ulcan  and
K{\i}nd{\i}ro{\u{g}}lu, Ahmet Alp  and
Cihan Camg{\"o}z, Necati  and
Akarun, Lale},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the LREC2020 9th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Sign Language Resources in the Service of the Language Community, Technological Challenges and Application Perspectives},
 isbn = {979-10-95546-54-2},
 language = {English},
 pages = {181--188},
 publisher = {European Language Resources Association (ELRA)},
 title = {{B}osphorus{S}ign22k Sign Language Recognition Dataset},
 url = {},
 year = {2020}