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Add SL Corpora from Language Archives? #59

Open cleong110 opened 3 weeks ago

cleong110 commented 3 weeks ago lists many SL Corpora with persistent identifiers

cleong110 commented 3 weeks ago for example has a number of Yucatec Maya Sign Languages, something I've seen nowhere else. Restricted though, with no clear option to gain access. Though I imagine it would be

The other thing is that there are apparently just... conversations in there? Not in a studio, people in a village talking about daily life things. That is REALLY interesting. If we want to develop robust tech, we'd really want test sets like this.

One deaf signer from Cepeda Peraza and two signers from Chicán (one deaf, one hearing) meet for the first time for a period of several hours and have a conversation about various matters of their daily lives (family, occupations, hobbies, sign language, etc.).