sign / translate

Effortless Real-Time Sign Language Translation
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[Documentation] How to consume this project #106

Closed Surya-Prakash-Reddy closed 10 months ago

Surya-Prakash-Reddy commented 11 months ago


Hi, I am trying to solve a problem where the part of problem requires me to translate the text to sign language animation. I need to do this in an Android application and hopefully do everything in Android app without connecting to any server.

I take input using camera and detect some specific symbols and based on symbols I need to show some sign language animation. To take input, I have trained a TF model using hagrid dataset using Mediapipe. I am using the TFLite model on device.

I am exploring on the output part. I will have some text and I need to show it in sign language animation. Is it possible that I can use this repo for that purpose? If not, can you help me understand how you convert text to sign language so that I can do something similar?


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imsamimalik commented 11 months ago


Surya-Prakash-Reddy commented 11 months ago

@AmitMY , Can you help on this?

AmitMY commented 11 months ago

Sounds like you built a fingerspelling model. Why do you want to show the sign language output instead of text?

If you do want to show sign language output, you can use this project. There is an android app and you can run it with

npm run build
npx cap sync
npx cap run android

You will have to integrate the pose estimation output to input to your tflite model (we have a "loadTFJS" function to load tfjs, and then loading a model is straightforward).

To get the sign language output you can then:

const text = "test" // model.predict.... SetSpokenLanguageText(text))

and the sign language output will appear.

To be clear: this is a web app. The android app is a wrapper around the web application using capacitor and ionic.

Surya-Prakash-Reddy commented 11 months ago

Sounds like you built a fingerspelling model. Why do you want to show the sign language output instead of text?

We need output in sign language for a 2 way communication. We will have hardcoded text responses for various user gestures and I want to show response in both text and sign language form.

Thanks for sharing details about app. Few follow ups:

  1. I have an Android app built using Java and I am integrated custom trained Mediapipe model and showing text response in the screen. I need to show in sign language. Is there any way I can integrate your sign language output component within my app?
  2. Can you provide some more info on how you are converting text to sign language? Is there any model training that needed to be done or is there some mapping for words to sign language gestures?
AmitMY commented 11 months ago

You can try to integrate this app in your app, but I think it might be too cumbersome.

For the translation between text and video, we are using the open source project - You must give it a lexicon/dictionary, and it stitches the signs.

imsamimalik commented 11 months ago

@AmitMY Hey! I am developing a text-to-sign language project for my FYP for my local language. My goal is to implement it by understanding all the bits and pieces. Can you recommend where I should start? This project is too overwhelming for me. Is this guide good enough for beginners?

AmitMY commented 11 months ago

@imsamimalik the research overview in is a good start to get an overview of what is happening.

It really depends on - what IS your local language? Different languages have different resources. However, in all cases, I would strongly recommend to start with this project as a baseline - you will have to implement a download_lexicon (or otherwise create a CSV), but then you will have a very basic baseline to work with.

imsamimalik commented 11 months ago

@AmitMY thank you for your reply. I will try running the sample project and see how far can I go.

Fung1117 commented 10 months ago

May I know how to convert text to a sign language video?

AmitMY commented 10 months ago


For the translation between text and video, we are using the open source project -