sign / translate

Effortless Real-Time Sign Language Translation
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New sign language #128

Open georgebaileyster opened 6 months ago

georgebaileyster commented 6 months ago

How can we add a new sign language to the system?

Am based in Southern Africa and need to local languages that are taught in schools here.


AmitMY commented 6 months ago

For the current system - do you have a dictionary with the signs in the language?

georgebaileyster commented 6 months ago

For South Africa we are currently converting the data received from Botswana and Eswatini into English but those two will be in written/pictorial form.

AmitMY commented 6 months ago

Seems like there are 1092 videos, covering a smaller vocabulary (multiple videos per word). Also seems like there is an "example sentence", but one must login to see it. If we would like to use this data, example sentences can help with ambiguity. And just out of curiousity - do you know if they are planning to write down the signs using SignWriting at some point?

Is this your site? I'm asking because we will have to ask for permission to process the data and host the poses.

Many questions, but happy to help getting this in the system

georgebaileyster commented 6 months ago

Please ask as many questions as needed, it's the only way to understand.

It is not my site but we can organise from this side to use the poses if needed, but what is better from your point of view, videos or written? They do have a font for signing that integrates with MS Office which I have attached here

Not sure if will help. There are some privately produced on SASL and there is also this open education document for basic sign teaching that will also help to understand the how languages are combined.

There is no real dictionary in official terms we are aware of for any African sign language in the southern region and the sign languages tend to be an amalgamation of different languages but quite often American and the adding some local content.

In the most rural parts they tend to have their own language completely and even taught language can have dialects. Disabled people in general never have the opportunity to attend school unless they are very financially privileged and they cannot access even basic government services which is where we trying step in and fill the gap so everyone has at least and education to O level and every government department and corporate can fully interact with with anyone.

georgebaileyster commented 6 months ago

[Uploading Einsteinhands dictionary Inside pages_lowres.pdf…]()

AmitMY commented 6 months ago

Unfortunately, their font is not standard, and I only use SignWriting. So we will need permission from them to use their videos, if they give us permission I could load that lexicon.

georgebaileyster commented 6 months ago

Will organise permissions / SignWriting and send as they come through.

In the mean time, what is the best way to run the app with SSL?


AmitMY commented 6 months ago

They don't seem to have SignWriting, but yes, we will need permission. If you want to serve the app with SSL locally, follow Of course, on it is hosted with SSL

georgebaileyster commented 6 months ago is not loading pose estimation and gives the error Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'createTexture') but camera does activate.

Have tried 5 browsers same result.

AmitMY commented 6 months ago

For other issues, please open another issue, and include a screen-recording video showing what you see