signalapp / Signal-Android

A private messenger for Android.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Issue fetching group membership information (+ messages in these groups) after re-registration #13526

Open Altonss opened 1 month ago

Altonss commented 1 month ago

Bug description

After successful re-registration on a new device, no group membership information is fetched. New messages sent in these groups aren't received. Some time later, a direct 1:1 message is sent to this re-registered account, which is however well received. This event somehow triggered something and unlocked the group membership fetching.

Steps to reproduce

Actual result: Broken group membership fetching after re-registration Expected result: Group membership should be loaded directly after re-registration

Device info

Signal version: 7.4.2

skariko commented 1 month ago

Can confirm this, I came here to write about this very bug. Despite being the administrator of a group, there was no way to log back in.

greyson-signal commented 1 month ago

Can we get a debuglog?

skariko commented 1 month ago

Can we get a debuglog?

Hello, I can try to reproduce the problem and see if it still does if you think it would be helpful.

I am talking about me of course and not OP:

If you think this behavior is not normal I can try again to uninstall the current Signal 7.5.1 and install Signal stable.

cody-signal commented 1 month ago

@skariko When you registered with the new device, that was with the same phone number and you used your Signal Pin after confirming the phone number?

skariko commented 1 month ago

@skariko When you registered with the new device, that was with the same phone number and you used your Signal Pin after confirming the phone number?

Yes I only have one phone number and the PIN was correct. Unfortunately I can't seem to replicate the problem with version 7.5.1 so I have absolutely no idea what might have happened but I hope OP has more information on his bug.

Altonss commented 1 month ago

Can we get a debuglog?

I'm sorry, this didn't happen on a device under my control so I cannot send any debuglog, and as said now that the group info was fetched everything is working fine. Re-registration happened with a correct PIN :)