signalapp / Signal-Android

A private messenger for Android.
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Muted group chats keep being un-muted #13535

Open k-bx opened 1 month ago

k-bx commented 1 month ago

Bug description

I have a heavily-used Signal account with several groups having hundreds of messages daily, sometimes more. I put them all on "mute forever". When I open the tablet after a day or two, I see these groups being un-muted again. Muting again un-mutes eventually.

Steps to reproduce

Actual result: Group is unmuted and notifications are shown for every message Expected result: Group is muted and no notification is shown

Device info

Device: Galaxy Tab S9+ 5G Android version: 14 Signal version: 7.4.2

Link to debug log

cody-signal commented 1 month ago

Are you muting the chat on a linked device or on the android device? It looks like the app is struggling with a backlog of messages that can really gum things up. Things seem extra slow for some reason.

If you are able to let the device fully catch up, and then mute the chat from Android and confirm it's muted on linked devices that should do the trick. But it's something we need to look into for sure regardless

k-bx commented 1 month ago

@cody-signal primary device. There are several linked devices but I don't do anything on them.

Yes, the chats are heavy. If I mute on a caught-up env, it seems to hold for longer, but eventually it'll still un-mute.

cody-signal commented 1 month ago

Thanks, if you aren't doing much with the linked devices or don't need them. You can try unlinking them for a bit and see if any behavior changes. My hunch, is that one of the linked devices is also struggling to catch up and changes the mute status of the chat while it does so because of a race condition with storage service. I'd be curious if you've ever confirmed a chat is muted on all of your caught up devices at the same time?

Should you have to do it? No. But if you could, and see, then would help focus our search.

k-bx commented 1 month ago

I need my linked devices very much, they read messages programmatically via but don't write anything, only using the "receive messages" api.

Should I raise an issue in signal-cli ?

cody-signal commented 1 month ago

Ahh, I see.

k-bx commented 2 weeks ago

@cody-signal do you think I should ping the signal-cli authors? Are there any hints on what exactly is causing this?

codywohlers commented 6 days ago

I have a similar issue where signal-cli is the main device and some chats get unmuted on the linked devices (specifically signal-desktop linux client) when signal-cli is running.