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Localisation errors in Google Play store text #4348

Closed barrystaes closed 6 years ago

barrystaes commented 9 years ago

This concerns localisation of the Google Play store listing for "Signal Private Messaging".

The top sentence in my devices language seems to be auto-translated. It also translates the product name (Signal) and introduces translation errors.

NL / dutch: Signaal maakt privacy eenvoudig. Stuur tekst, foto's, en de groep boodschappen gratis! better would be Signal maakt privacy eenvoudig. Stuur tekst, foto's, en groepsberichten gratis!

I suppose more language have this problem. No PR because i could not find the store texts in the repository.

SARG04 commented 9 years ago

In the German Google Play translation it is still called "TextSecure Privater Messenger" (as name and in the text). And the translation of the (outdated) res/values/google-playstore-strings.xml is not on Transifex. Where the App translation is handled.

RiseT commented 9 years ago

@SARG04 Correct. Always been wondering where the (German) Play Store strings are being translated (or rather not translated...)

vinilox commented 9 years ago

In French, the Google Play translation is also outdated it's "TextSecure, Messagerie Privée" instead of"Signal..."

barrystaes commented 9 years ago

FWIW; the text in question appears in the Play Store app (positioned between the main text and the screenshots) but i dont see it in the Play Store website.

RiseT commented 9 years ago

Take a look at #4408 for reference. At this point in time, each language's translation team has to manually send @moxie0 the updated translation (outside of Transifex)... Which is suboptimal - to say the least - but that's the way it is.

automated-signal commented 6 years ago

GitHub Issue Cleanup: See #7598 for more information.