signalapp / Signal-Desktop

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Numerous People Now Experiencing Issues I've been Reporting in Multiple Bugs Since 2023/09. #6873

Closed DiagonalArg closed 1 month ago

DiagonalArg commented 1 month ago

Using a supported version?

Overall summary

Ubuntu 22.04 Signal 7.7.0

I started out with troubles that were particularly focused on one group. Those trouble started to spread to my interactions with other groups. The suggestions of one signal dev that communicated with me directly (over signal) to block half a dozen people on my various groups, didn't help. Now, suddenly, others are reporting troubles with that same group.

Here is the list of the bugs that appear related and are still open:,,,,,, Note that on this one, someone else (not in any of my own groups that I'm reporting about) has just reported that they are seeing the same problem.

Here is what showed up on a properly functioning group, regarding the large "BW" group with the problems (members X, Y, and Z):

X: Apparently I can’t post anything to BW. Strange.

Y: I had problems last night after posting a link. It repeatedly asked me to verify, than wouldn’t let me back into signal.

X: Yeah that’s where I am exactly but only that channel is problematic.

Me: These are the problems I've been having since I've been on the channel. It's because of all the cruft in there. If you scroll down to the bottom of the list of members, you'll see 200 "Deleted Account"s listed. One of the admins has to take responsibility to clean it up. I keep asking, but no one will!

Now, on the BW list:

Z: Is there any way to delete all of the deleted accounts from the list of members in here so that this thread runs more smoothly? It acts weird on my phone and many people's phones.

One of the changes that I've seen in Signal since I started reporting, is that on the iPhone SE (gen.1), a lot of the "Unknown User"s that were listed in the membership list of the initially problematic group, became "Deleted Account", like this:


One person is still seeing a lot of "Unknown"s on their phone, but no "Deleted"s. (They say the version# is iPhone


Another person sees only 3 "Deleted"s and no "Unknown"s. I've got another person, and on their phone they see no "Unknown"s or "Deleted"s at all. I see nearly 200, but we both see the same number of group members (627).

I am in touch with X, Y and Z. I could try to get information from them, though they are not technical people. Additionally, they have high pressure jobs, and I may not be able to bug them too much. I hope this may generate more focus on the issues I've been reporting for quite some time.

Steps to reproduce

Please see above, including all past bugs.

Expected result

Please see above, including all past bugs.

Actual result

Please see above, including all past bugs.


No response

Signal version


Operating system

Ubuntu 22.04

Version of Signal on your phone

No response

Link to debug log

No response

DiagonalArg commented 1 month ago

I've just moved from iPhone/ Ubuntu to Android/ Ubuntu. On the Android, I'm seeing the same "Deleted"s in the group members of that large, problematic group, that I did on the iPhone. I've made one post to that group, and that one posted right away rather than spinning and taking 3-5 minutes to get to everyone as was the case even when they got through during the time I was on the iPhone.

trevor-signal commented 1 month ago

@DiagonalArg, iOS started showing unregistered users as "Deleted account" instead of "Unknown" in a recent commit, and Desktop will make that change shortly. We are still actively investigating the other issues you've opened, and I'll close this one in favor of the more specific issues.

DiagonalArg commented 1 month ago

@trevor-signal / Thank you. I appreciate the update. I've seen squirrely behavior only twice now since I moved my phone to Android/ GOS. I'll just stay alert, and wait some time before reporting again. :pray: