signalapp / Signal-Desktop

A private messenger for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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having trouble with set up as standalone with Signal-Desktop #6876

Closed pkcuong closed 1 month ago

pkcuong commented 1 month ago

Using a supported version?

Overall summary

set up standallone as the instruction from, at first after starting the application with yarn start,it gives the error code 401,and after choose send SMS or Call in the 'set up as standalone device', after finish the captcha and choose to open Signal, there is a warning window pops up telling unable to find electron and unable to find module.

here is the debug log :

VM117 C:\Signal-Desk…ad.bundle.js:135091 Uncaught (in promise) HTTPError: promiseAjax: error response; code: 401
    at makeHTTPError (C:\Signal-Desktop\preload.bundle.js:135091:10)
    at _promiseAjax (C:\Signal-Desktop\preload.bundle.js:135025:11)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at async _retryAjax (C:\Signal-Desktop\preload.bundle.js:135071:12)
    at async _ajax (C:\Signal-Desktop\preload.bundle.js:135382:16)
    at async Object.getConfig (C:\Signal-Desktop\preload.bundle.js:135496:22)
    at async refreshRemoteConfig (C:\Signal-Desktop\preload.bundle.js:36368:54)
    at async Object.initRemoteConfig (C:\Signal-Desktop\preload.bundle.js:36275:3)
Original stack:
    at _outerAjax (C:\Signal-Desktop\preload.bundle.js:135084:19)
    at _ajax (C:\Signal-Desktop\preload.bundle.js:135382:22)
    at Object.getConfig (C:\Signal-Desktop\preload.bundle.js:135496:28)
    at refreshRemoteConfig (C:\Signal-Desktop\preload.bundle.js:36368:67)
    at invokeFunc (C:\Signal-Desktop\preload.bundle.js:4276:28)
    at leadingEdge (C:\Signal-Desktop\preload.bundle.js:4283:30)
    at debounced (C:\Signal-Desktop\preload.bundle.js:4332:24)
    at Object.initRemoteConfig (C:\Signal-Desktop\preload.bundle.js:36275:9)
    at C:\Signal-Desktop\preload.bundle.js:309163:37

Steps to reproduce

1.follow the instruction on to set up as standalone device

Expected result

i should received a text message with verification code.

Actual result

i got a pop up said that unable to find electron and cannot find module.


the warning window:


Signal version


Operating system

Windows 10 x64

Version of Signal on your phone

No response

Link to debug log

No response

trevor-signal commented 1 month ago

@pkcuong I'm not sure what exactly is going wrong for your setup, but you can always try starting a second instance of the application and pass the captcha link as the first argument, e.g. yarn start signalcaptcha://[captchalink]