signalapp / Signal-Desktop

A private messenger for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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this is really bad signal does not have a official build for rpm base distros #6879

Closed userforsource closed 1 month ago

userforsource commented 1 month ago

Using a supported version?

Overall summary

I need a official package don't expect us to build our own apk or ios app from source if you can have app for mac or windows there should be an app for linux many users are now using rpm distros and flatpak i find flatpak and snap and .rpm all ware 3rd party build this is like using whatsapp trusting that it is using signal protocol.

Steps to reproduce

Kindly provide an app for linux flatpak and snap .rpm is must our systems run fedora and rhel this is really bad to know that signal does not have a proper app for those.

Expected result

There should be a official app apeart from .deb

Actual result

Only have .deb app.


No response

Signal version


Operating system

linux- fedora

Version of Signal on your phone

No response

Link to debug log

No response

ayumi-signal commented 1 month ago

Hi @userforsource, sorry for not having a distribution neutral package or a Fedora specific package. We have limited resources to support Linux currently.

It's our intention to improve support for Linux, and we are tracking this in #1758 and in the community forum at:

userforsource commented 1 month ago

You know after wndows 11 linux is only choice left for the pc users and now as windows more and more harvesting data from users and cramping AI in all and full of tracking and malicious advertisement in to the start menu. This is really we don't have option either use mac or linux or pc i find fedora specific distros are a good for me i am a long time signal user i think i have started using it since 2018 or 2017. But i am really disappointed that signal does not have a option to install fedora. Either stop .deb and procide flatpak only officially or snap. And if possible give .deb .rpm. please @ayumi-signal