signalapp / Signal-Desktop

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[DOC] Make it clear that 'Could not detect abi for version...' errors can be safely ignored #6889

Open ben-biddington opened 1 month ago

ben-biddington commented 1 month ago

First time contributor checklist:

Contributor checklist:


This change is intended to save time for first-time contributors who encounter this error and don't understand that it is essentially a warning.

I myself have just spent a lot of time trying to resolve it.

This issue makes it more difficult when there are other problems happening as well because you're not sure whether it's related.

I am hoping to prevent issue like these needing to be raised at all:

Happy to put this documentation elsewhere and/or expand on it.

Cheers, Ben

scottnonnenberg-signal commented 1 month ago

Thanks for looking at this. If you can tweak your wording just a little bit, to say that it appears to fail, but actually succeeds, that would be more accurate. Also, would be good to leave out the discussion out the build server.

The best approach might be to say something like "when you yarn install, you might see something like this - it can be ignored"

ben-biddington commented 1 month ago

Okay, does that look better, @scottnonnenberg-signal ?