signalapp / Signal-Desktop

A private messenger for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
14.16k stars 2.57k forks source link

Expiry notice has UX problems #6891

Closed joeytwiddle closed 1 month ago

joeytwiddle commented 1 month ago

Using a supported version?

Overall summary

1. Writing but not sending

When the current version has expired, it doesn't let me send messages. But it does let me write messages. This can be quite a time-waster, because I might write a 5 paragraph message, only to discover after a few minutes that I cannot send it.

Solution: If sending of messages is disabled, then please disable writing of messages too. I cannot see any benefit to having writing enabled.

2. Sending even when outdated

The inability to send messages can be quite problematic for Linux users who do not use apt-based systems. For example, I am on Manjaro, and there is no new version for me to install, so I am stuck using a version which does not let me send any messages.

I understand it is not ideal to have people sending messages from older versions. But when a user is working on something important and time-sensitive, blocking them from sending is a bit too restrictive. (I had to resort to less-secure comms channels today. But have since found a newer package: signal-desktop-beta.)

Suggestion 1: Allow us to send messages from outdated versions of Signal (perhaps up to 6 weeks) but add some friction. For example, every message the user sends could pop up "You are using an outdated version of Signal. [Insert warnings here.] Are you sure you want to send?"

Suggestion 2: Start warning users before their Signal has reached expiry, but when an upgrade is available. So there would be an intermediary stage between Signal working fine and Signal refusing to send messages.

Either of these would allow users to send urgent messages, but also steer them to update their Signal as soon as they can.

Steps to reproduce


Expected result


Actual result



No response

Signal version

signal-desktop 7.0.0-1

Operating system

Manjaro Linux

Version of Signal on your phone


Link to debug log

No response

joeytwiddle commented 1 month ago

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