signalapp / Signal-Desktop

A private messenger for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] Two different notification sounds are played on push notifications on Windows 11 #6905

Open Lauriichan opened 3 weeks ago

Lauriichan commented 3 weeks ago

Using a supported version?

Overall summary

On the windows client there are two sounds played, once is played directly by signal and the other is played by the windows notification system. Also if notification sounds are disabled on windows, there is no sound played at all and no push notification appears which seems unexpected to me.

(Also you might want to update the bug report template, for the iOS app version there is no "General" in the Settings, you have to click on "Help" now, so it is Settings > Help > (Scroll down to "About Signal") Version)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Enable notifications
  2. Enable push notification sounds
  3. Get a message by someone while not having their chat open

Expected result

Only the windows notification sound is played and signal itself should not play any sound.

Actual result

Signal plays a sound and the windows notification system as well, making it two sounds that are played.


No response

Signal version


Operating system

Windows 11

Version of Signal on your phone

iOS: 7.11 (111)

Link to debug log

No response

jamiebuilds-signal commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, could you send a debuglog