signalapp / Signal-Desktop

A private messenger for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Voice message shown time incorrect #6908

Closed S3nsh1r0 closed 2 weeks ago

S3nsh1r0 commented 2 weeks ago

Using a supported version?

Overall summary

I encounter, when I get a voice message from someone on my Signal Desktop, the Time shown is not correct.

Steps to reproduce

What i did was:

  1. getting a voice message, opened signal on the Desktop and saw it is 1:33 long
  2. listened to it
  3. looked on the time left fot the message Signal1

Expected result

What should've happen would be: The message ends on 0 and nothing else.

Actual result


So you see the screenshot above from what happened instead: the Timer on the message itself would reach 0, but continue playing. You see at the top the User or group and below it the banner of what voice message you hear. 1:39 is the actual length of the message not the other one. interesting enough is: I looked up on both, a IOS and Android device to check it. The android Signal has the same numbers, but the IOS Signal showed Me a Time of 1:38 for the exact same message:


It is not that far off as the Desktop Signal, but i thought it would be helpful to give that information. I think this is a bit too odd to be something to ignore. And thanks, if this get's fixed (when it is really a major issue, because there has been no one reporting that yet).


No response

Signal version

  1. June 2024 · 7.11.1

Operating system

Windows 10

Version of Signal on your phone

IOS: 7.14(140), Android: Molly v7.8.1-1

Link to debug log

No response

cyrneko commented 2 weeks ago

Just note that Molly won't be taken into consideration as it's an unofficial build, unless this can be replicated on the official Signal app

Of course in this case it does not matter, because the bug is in Signal-Desktop and the other screenshots are simply to compare, but I thought I would mention it.

indutny-signal commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry about this. Was the message recorded on Android? If yes - it might be a known issue and I suggest opening a ticket in their (or Molly's) repo.

S3nsh1r0 commented 2 weeks ago

Yeah, ist was recorded on Android. A look to their repo would be a good idea, thx.