signalapp / Signal-Desktop

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pasting image twice result in "old" image repasted #6922

Open viisauksena opened 4 days ago

viisauksena commented 4 days ago

Using a supported version?

Overall summary

if i copy a picture (like right click copy) i have issues in linux with big PNG and JPG - they wont go into preview if i redo the "copy" part, delete it the image in the message preview - the old image is copied again this is odd and if i delete it again and copy the same content again - the correct image is shown.

Steps to reproduce

if i copy a picture (like right click copy for example in a browser) i have issues in linux with big/uppercase "PNG" and "JPG" - they wont go into preview - just send as files

if i redo the "copy" part, delete it the image in the message preview and paste it again - the old image is copied again this is odd

and if i delete it again and copy the same content (without another copying) again - the correct image is shown.

Expected result

handle .PNG .JPG same as .png and .jpg dont cache the preview in a weird way

Actual result

opposite of the expected behaviour


No response

Signal version

latest signal

Operating system


Version of Signal on your phone

is not connected - hence its preview of message draft

Link to debug log

No response

ayumi-signal commented 4 days ago

@viisauksena Hello, sorry you are experiencing this issue. I'm not sure how to to reproduce the problem. It seems to be working for me when copying files ending in ".PNG" and ".JPG" on Debian and GNOME.

Can you please provide a step-by-step instruction how to reproduce? Such as, what is the browser you used as the copy source; and info about your desktop environment (GNOME, KDE, etc). Precise version of Signal is also helpful (Help Menu -> About).