signalapp / Signal-iOS

A private messenger for iOS.
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UI-Bug: Elements overlay #5632

Closed MorgeMoensch closed 8 months ago

MorgeMoensch commented 11 months ago

Bug description

I experienced various UI-Elements that were overlayed. After I closed (not just returning to home-screen) the app the first time, the bug on the stories overview disappeared. When generating the Debuglogs, the second bug appeared. This one is resolved after closing the app a second time.

Steps to reproduce

Actual result: UI Elements are not properly aligned

Expected result: UI elements are properly aligned




Device info

Device: iPhone 13

iOS version: 16.5.1

Signal version:

Link to debug log

Miguel-Signal commented 11 months ago

Hi @MorgeMoensch,

Can you please update to the latest version of Signal (v6.35) and see if this resolves the issue? Then, if the issue is still happening, could you send in new logs from this new version?

To share a debug log from Signal iOS, tap your profile Profile Avatar, Settings, Help, Submit Debug Log, Copy Link.

MorgeMoensch commented 11 months ago

Hi @Miguel-Signal

I can kinda reproduce the one with the logo reliably.

This way, the profile picture is not a still duplicate as in my original report. Rather, tje duplicate flyes to the top left and vanishes.

Here's the debug log:

pjolt commented 11 months ago
  • Tap the own profile picture (so the select Chats and Dropdown menu appears)
  • Pull down from the top left (open iPhone notification center)
  • close notification center
  • tap on the own profile picture again

This way, the profile picture is not a still duplicate as in my original report. Rather, tje duplicate flyes to the top left and vanishes.

I can confirm this behavior.

MorgeMoensch commented 11 months ago

I just experienced the original glitch on the Stories Tab again:

Switching to Chats and back did not resolve it. But after entering a Chat, tapping back and switching to the Stories Tab again fixed it.