signalapp / Signal-iOS

A private messenger for iOS.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
10.6k stars 2.95k forks source link

Riddled with issues. #5716

Closed danispringer closed 4 months ago

danispringer commented 7 months ago

I’m trying super hard to get people to move from WhatsApp to Signal… but:

  1. [BUG] Photo access permissions is an outdated mess - ironic, considering it’s supposedly a privacy focused app.
  2. [BUG⚠️] Cannot find some contacts and they cannot find me, even though we both have each other’s numbers (critical).
  3. [BUG] Swiping back home from a chat is much harder than it should be.
  4. [BUG] Use the regular API for voice notes just like for video calls so that iOS “voice isolation” works (AUVoiceIO) (I have confirmed with apple that this is caused by signal using a different API).
  5. [BUG] “Contact joined Signal” notification not being shown/sent.
  6. [FEAT] Tapping on group profile photo should offer to view or edit it.
  7. [FEAT] Send message silently
  8. [FEAT] Schedule message delivery
  9. [FEAT] Drag n’ Drop support to add images etc.
  10. [FEAT] Saving group profile photo takes extra taps which can be avoided.
  11. [FEAT] Tapping on profile photo on top left of home page opens a tiny menu, causing extra taps too.

I am an iOS Developer and would be honored to help implement these changes.

@Signal, the mic to you.

It should be noted that none of these are features that other apps have not accomplished already.

LLOSS (long live open source software)


incyi commented 6 months ago

Which phone ? Which iOS version ? Which version of the app ?

do you have signal on other devices ?

did you ty to reinstall ?

danispringer commented 6 months ago

@mthld @zainahm3d down voting without any explanation is never helpful.

danispringer commented 6 months ago

Which phone ? Which iOS version ? Which version of the app ?

iPhone XR, iOS 17.2, any app version (tested over several last versions)

do you have signal on other devices ?

I tried before and after having it on a Mac, didn't seem to matter

did you ty to reinstall ?




ghost commented 6 months ago

@mthld @zainahm3d down voting without any explanation is never helpful.

Behaving like a little children complaining because the toy he stole from the neighbour is broken is never helpful.

Grow up a spine, put your money where your mouth is, stop complaining. Do the effort of creating dedicated bug reports for the issues you are describing, instead of simply whining here and erasing the bug report template that would have allowed the developer to maybe understand what the fuck you are talking about. And which would avoid loosing time having people too nice to answer your rude message, like @incyi, come and ask for the actual needed informations.

I am an iOS Developer and would be honored to help implement these changes.

Just don't post stupid claims like that, no need to brag. You're an iOS developer? Cool dude, you don't need no ones permission to start working on it and submit a pull request.

danispringer commented 4 months ago

Signal doesn't deserve me - or anyone.