signalapp / Signal-iOS

A private messenger for iOS.
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"Problem Retrieving Data" and then crash #5811

Open stefan2904 opened 1 month ago

stefan2904 commented 1 month ago

Bug description

When I start Signal, I get the "Problem Retrieving Data" screen. After confirming it, the all displays that it is now recovering the database but crashes after 10 seconds. There is no way to skip the recovery or retrieve debug logs.

It might be the case that this was triggered by a full device storage, but now there is >1GB space free.

Steps to reproduce

Actual result: Describe here what happens after you run the steps above (i.e. the buggy behaviour)

Expected result: Describe here what should happen after you run the steps above (i.e. what would be the correct behaviour)




Device info

Device: iPhone SE 2020

iOS version: 17.3.1

Signal version: 7.11

Link to debug log

stefan2904 commented 1 month ago

The log indicates a SIGTRAP and some Address size faults below.

  "basebandVersion" : "5.00.00",
  "exception" : {"codes":"0x0000000000000001, 0x00000001a96fe3fc","rawCodes":[1,7137649660],"type":"EXC_BREAKPOINT","signal":"SIGTRAP"},
  "termination" : {"flags":0,"code":5,"namespace":"SIGNAL","indicator":"Trace\/BPT trap: 5","byProc":"exc handler","byPid":1265},
  "os_fault" : {"process":"Signal"},
  "faultingThread" : 2,
  "threads" : [{"id":115944,"threadState":{"x":[{"value":268451845},{"value":21592279046},{"value":8589934592},{"value":40694815129600},{"value":0},{"value":40694815129600},{"value":2},{"value":4294967295},{"value":18446744073709550527},{"value":9475},{"value":0},{"value":1},{"value":9475},{"value":11257864},{"value":4398046511104},{"value":0},{"value":18446744073709551569},{"value":7385227492,"symbolLocation":56,"symbol":"clock_gettime"},{"value":0},{"value":4294967295},{"value":2},{"value":40694815129600},{"value":0},{"value":40694815129600},{"value":6132049800},{"value":8589934592},{"value":21592279046},{"value":21592279046},{"value":4412409862}],"flavor":"ARM_THREAD_STATE64","lr":{"value":8449691408},"cpsr":{"value":0},"fp":{"value":6132049648},"sp":{"value":6132049568},"esr":{"value":1442840704,"description":" Address size fault"},"pc":{"value":8449692024},"far":{"value":0}},"queue":"","frames":[{"imageOffset":4472,"symbol":"mach_msg2_trap","symbolLocation":8,"imageIndex":26},{"imageOffset":3856,"symbol":"mach_msg2_internal","symbolLocation":80,"imageIndex":26},{"imageOffset":3624,"symbol":"mach_msg_overwrite","symbolLocation":436,"imageIndex":26},{"imageOffset":3176,"symbol":"mach_msg","symbolLocation":24,"imageIndex":26},{"imageOffset":219804,"symbol":"__CFRunLoopServiceMachPort","symbolLocation":160,"imageIndex":27},{"imageOffset":211348,"symbol":"__CFRunLoopRun","symbolLocation":1208,"imageIndex":27},{"imageOffset":209912,"symbol":"CFRunLoopRunSpecific","symbolLocation":608,"imageIndex":27},{"imageOffset":13560,"symbol":"GSEventRunModal","symbolLocation":164,"imageIndex":28},{"imageOffset":2279584,"symbol":"-[UIApplication _run]","symbolLocation":888,"imageIndex":29},{"imageOffset":2277084,"symbol":"UIApplicationMain","symbolLocation":340,"imageIndex":29},{"imageOffset":4547992,"imageIndex":29},{"imageOffset":176700,"imageIndex":25},{"imageOffset":24012,"symbol":"start","symbolLocation":2240,"imageIndex":30}]}
stefan2904 commented 1 month ago

fyi, the Signal support team replied to my email that they are aware of and working on that issue, but they cannot give a timeline.

So, in my case, I had to reset the app, loosing all old messages. 😭

acanis commented 1 month ago

This exact same issue just happened to me. My iPhone was running out of space and I opened signal. Now after freeing up space the Signal app says "Problem Retrieving Data" and immediately crashes when I click continue. Is there no way to recover the data?

birfan commented 1 month ago

Tap 8 times on the white area of "Problem Retrieving Data". It will ask "What would you like to do with the link to your debug log?", and choose email support. I sent a bug report for the same issue last week.

I just hope they will fix it soon. The more people send their report, the more they will (hopefully) pay attention to this bug. Last two updates haven't fixed it for me, and I have read every single post about this issue. There is no way to recover the data.

Nerodelo commented 1 month ago

I got the same issue, any update? I don't want to lose my data

Nerodelo commented 1 month ago

Tap 8 times on the white area of "Problem Retrieving Data". It will ask "What would you like to do with the link to your debug log?", and choose email support. I sent a bug report for the same issue last week.

I just hope they will fix it soon. The more people send their report, the more they will (hopefully) pay attention to this bug. Last two updates haven't fixed it for me, and I have read every single post about this issue. There is no way to recover the data.

It's impossible for me to send report, app crash before

birfan commented 4 weeks ago

Tap 8 times on the white area of "Problem Retrieving Data". It will ask "What would you like to do with the link to your debug log?", and choose email support. I sent a bug report for the same issue last week. I just hope they will fix it soon. The more people send their report, the more they will (hopefully) pay attention to this bug. Last two updates haven't fixed it for me, and I have read every single post about this issue. There is no way to recover the data.

It's impossible for me to send report, app crash before

Don't click "continue" on the "problem retrieving data" screen. Just tap 8 times on the white area. If that doesn't work, try contacting support directly.

rocodes commented 2 weeks ago

This may not be a helpful addition, but just a +1 that this is affecting another user I work with, who also had what seems like database corruption after a low storage warning.

I have advised them to share debug logs. Happy to assist otherwise if I can.


mixmaxdp commented 2 weeks ago


I have the same issue - shared debug logs via email and really looking for the bug fix, since this is affecting core Signal functionality.

Please bump up the priority, happy to assist and share more logs/data from iOS if needed to streamline the fix.

birfan commented 2 weeks ago

This issue was fixed for me in the final update released yesterday (version 7.15)!

Make sure you have enough free storage on your phone (I had 6 GB), update the app, then open the Signal app. Continue with the database recovery step. It doesn't crash, the recovery is complete, and I got back both my old messages (including media shared) before the crash, and every message I received after.

Thank you Signal team for fixing it!

c-mar-coder commented 2 days ago

I have encountered the same issue. My iPhone storage was full and I opened Signal and it crashed. Next time I opened Signal, it gave me the same error as described above ("Problem Retrieving Data"). When trying to retrieve data, it reaches 57% and then tells me that data cannot be retrieved and I am supposed to reset Signal completely which I do not want to do as I do not want to lose all my messages and media data. Interestingly enough I am still receiving new messages and they pop up on my home screen but I have no way to access them as I run into "problem retrieving data" again. Any new insights what I can do?