Closed Invariant0x closed 1 year ago
There should be no numeric error codes visible in libsignal's Swift interface. How are you using this code and where are you seeing the error?
here is an example of my code Moreover, I often get error 18, but it is not in the Signal description
private func initProtocolStore() throws {
print("initProtocolStore", "remoteAddress", remoteAddress?.name)
guard let remoteAddress else { return }
print("initProtocolStore", "remoteAddress",
print("initProtocolStore", "senderSKDM", senderSkdm)
// let skdm_r = try SenderKeyDistributionMessage(from: remoteAddress,
// distributionId: groupId,
// store: store,
// context: NullContext())
guard let dataSkdm = Data(base64Encoded: senderSkdm) else { return }
let skdm_r = try SenderKeyDistributionMessage(bytes: [UInt8](dataSkdm))
print("initProtocolStore", "skdm_r", skdm_r)
try processSenderKeyDistributionMessage(
from: remoteAddress,
store: store,
context: NullContext()
print("initProtocolStore", "processSenderKeyDistributionMessage", "Ok")
func encrypt(message : String) throws -> Data? {
let buf = [UInt8](message.utf8)
let cipherTextMessage = try groupEncrypt(
from: localAddress,
distributionId: groupId,
store: store,
context: NullContext()
print("encryped type message = \(cipherTextMessage.messageType)")
return Data(cipherTextMessage.serialize())
/// Расшифровка сообщений в группе
func decrypt(message : Data) throws -> String? {
guard let remoteAddress else { return nil }
print("decrypt", "remoteAddress", remoteAddress)
try self.initProtocolStore()
print("decrypt", "initProtocolStore")
let b_ptext = try groupDecrypt(
from: remoteAddress,
store: store,
context: NullContext()
print("decrypt", "b_ptext", b_ptext)
return String(bytes: b_ptext, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
Hm, this code seems reasonable at first glance. Where are you seeing the number, though? Is it just print(error)
in a catch
block? None of the errors should have numbers printed.
let b_ptext = try groupDecrypt(
from: remoteAddress,
store: store,
context: NullContext()
Error 18 In this function
Maybe Can I use this function try processSenderKeyDistributionMessage only once? Now I call it in decrypt function every time Is it correct?
The distribution message should be sent over a separate encrypted channel and processed once, yes, but I wouldn't expect an error for processing it repeatedly…though perhaps the error you're seeing is "duplicatedMessage", which you can get if the sender side isn't preserving their session state across multiple messages.
Where are the error numbers printed? None of these errors have numbers.
Where I can find code errors? I sometimes get LibSignalClient.SignalError, error 22 In group decrypt What is it mean? Please help