Open XMTian opened 2 years ago
I get the same error. Did you find a solution?
Just bumping this as I am also running into the same issue and there doesn't seem to be a solution. I re-generated the cdna fasta based on the Ensembl 99 gtf file. I also manually checked the first 10 records, and they are definitely in there. Would love an update on this.
I think this was an issue with formatting. I've edited the code to strip whitespace and it tentatively works locally on the Midas transcriptome/gtf examples you gave.
Hi, I am using the pip version of the tool and I am having the same issue. Would be possible to update this bug fix in all versions? The commit that you are pointing to works well
I tried to use how_are_we_stranded_here to figure out the strands of my RNA-seq data.
Here are my commands:
check_strandedness --gtf Midas.annotation.v2.6.gtf -r1 Aast_14_trimmed_R1.fq.gz -r2 Aast_14_trimmed_R2.fq.gz -fa Midas.2.6.transcripts.fa
Here is how the gtf file looks like.
How Midas.2.6.transcripts.fa looks like.
But I got this error, I checked the transcript ids, there are all in the fasta file.
Could you help me to figure it out?
Best, Xiaomeng