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View rendering #1016

Open IWantToImprovemySkills opened 6 years ago

IWantToImprovemySkills commented 6 years ago

Good morning Tyler, as always, thank you for your help, here's another simple question: I was searching in the docs how to render fields with a view instead of creating nodes, example: my view in drupal has a lot of link fields, I need those links to be generated as buttons(like it happens normally when you click on a node, the links are displayed as buttons) because I don't want to click on the node to access to those links. your example for render the view: function my_module_articles_list_row(view, row, variables) { //how these variables are associated to the view? try { return l(t(row.title), 'node/' + row.nid);//I got the idea that title and nid are the label in json view } catch (error) { console.log('my_module_articles_list_row - ' + error); } } Thank you in advance.