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Custom Node Creation Forms with Fields #940

Open mkinnan opened 7 years ago

mkinnan commented 7 years ago

Is the approach I have taken below the correct method to handle form fields for node creation? Or am I missing something?

In attempting to create my own custom node add pages, I have reviewed the example:

The example works great for creating/editing a node with only a title. When adding in additional fields such as body, one might think to do the following:

function my_module_form(form, form_state, node) {
  try {

    form.elements['title'] = {
      type: 'textfield',
      title: t('Title'),
      required: true,
      default_value: node.title

    form.elements['body'] = {
      type: 'textarea',
      title: t('Description'),
      required: true,
      default_value: node.body

    form.elements['submit'] = {
      type: 'submit',
      value: t('Save')

    return form;

  catch (error) { console.log('my_module_form - ' + error); }

The issue with that for the body form element is that when hook_form_submit is called, Drupal is expecting the format of form.values to be:

   "title":"A Test",
            "value":"a bunch of text"

but what is returned from my custom form is:

   "title":"A Test",
         "0":"a bunch of text"

which causes the node creation to fail. So, instead I create a different identity for my body:

form.elements['my_custom_body'] = {
  type: 'textarea',
  title: t('Description'),
  required: true,
  default_value: node.body

and rebuild the form.values object before passing to node_save:

function my_module_form_submit(form, form_state) {
  try {

    var data_to_save = {
      language: form_state.values.language,
      type: form_state.values.type,
      title: form_state.values.title,
      body: { und: [ { value: form_state.values.my_module_body } ] }

    node_save(data_to_save, {
      success: function(result) {
        drupalgap_goto('node/' + result.nid, { reloadPage: true });

  catch (error) { console.log('my_module_form_submit - ' + error); }
signalpoint commented 7 years ago

@mkinnan I often use the same technique that you use with the data_to_save example. Essentially build a simple form, with simple inputs, then in the submit handler build the complex JSON that Drupal is expecting.