signalpoint / jDrupal

A JavaScript Library and API for Drupal Applications
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Edit user fields - Drupal 8 #42

Open pure4Sk opened 8 years ago

pure4Sk commented 8 years ago

Is it possible to edit user fields via jDrupal? I am working with Cordova and this doesnt seems to work:

jDrupal.userLoad(1).then(function(user) {

                    alert("value "+user.entity.field_test[0].value);


                        console.log('Saved ');

                    console.log('Loaded : ' + user.getAccountName());

User would be logged in.

e2o commented 8 years ago

Could you provide some more information? What exactly is not working, is is not saving? What's the error that is returned? Is it HTTP or JS?

Also, take a look at this thread: