signalwerk / gatsby-remark-table-of-contents

gatsby remark plugin to generate table of contents
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Update rollup.config.js to be compatible with Gatsby v4 #29

Closed aliceHendicott closed 2 years ago

aliceHendicott commented 2 years ago

This PR sets up a fix for

Alter output.exports in the rollup config to be default for cjs output.

I have tested this fix when using the gatsby-remark-table-of-contents plugin with both gatsby-plugin-mdx and gatsby-transformer-remark and this new config works with both.

signalwerk commented 2 years ago

@aliceHendicott thanks a lot for your contribution! I really appreciate it. Since I didn't have time to test it properly and don't want to jeopardize other projects relying on a different export, I gave it a new major version. It's now released as version 2.0.0 please let me know if there is a need for other changes.