signaux-faibles / predictsignauxfaibles

Dépôt du code python permettant la production de liste de prédiction Signaux Faibles.
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fix: paydex variables are grouped only if they exist #75

Closed slebastard closed 3 years ago

slebastard commented 3 years ago

This is a fix to predictsignauxfaibles.explainfunction explain, which attempts to replace the contribution of micro features from group retards_paiement with the aggregated contribution, so as to have a single variable retards_paiement as an explanation for the contribution of variables coming from Altares.

The function used to attempt this aggregation whether or not the features from retards_paiement existed. Here we just check that they exist before aggregation.

In the long run, we should create a dictionary of micro variables to group, so as to make generic both function group_retards_paiement and the condition in this fix.