Closed signebedi closed 9 months ago
So maybe a headless view that takes an API key (?) and validates it belongs to an admin user.
@app.route('/trigger-restart', methods=['POST'])
def trigger_restart():
# Get API key from the POST data
api_key = request.json.get('api_key')
if not api_key:
return jsonify(success=False, message="API Key is required."), 400
# Find user by API key
user = User.query.filter_by(api_key=api_key).first()
# Check if user is a site admin
if not user or not user.site_admin:
# If user doesn't exist or is not a site admin, return an error
# Touch the .reload_triggered file
instance_path = os.path.join('instance', '.reload_triggered')
with open(instance_path, 'a'):
os.utime(instance_path, None)
return jsonify(success=True)
except Exception as e:
return jsonify(success=False, error=str(e)), 500
An admin view would call this using eg. a javascript fetch call.
We also would need a celery(beat) task that periodically checks for the .reload_triggered file, removes it, and restarts.
def restart_services():
instance_path = os.path.join('instance', '.reload_triggered')
# Check if the .reload_triggered file exists
if os.path.exists(instance_path):
# Restart Flask app service
subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'systemctl', 'restart', f'{app.config["ENVIRONMENT"]}-gita-api-gunicorn.service'])
# Restart Celery worker service
subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'systemctl', 'restart', f'{app.config["ENVIRONMENT"]}-gita-api-celery.service'])
# Restart Celery Beat service
subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'systemctl', 'restart', f'{app.config["ENVIRONMENT"]}-gita-api-celerybeat.service'])
# Remove the file after triggering the restart
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print(f'An error occurred while restarting services: {e}') # This needs to be a better method to log / capture the Exception
I think that we need to add reload options to the systemd units for celery, celerybeat, and gunicorn.
See eg.
So this means adding eg. a ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
line to gunicorn. Of course, this does not address a permissions issue for the service user trying to restart a systemd service without (rightfully) any root privileges.
This probably also entails creating a celery configuration file, see
Add a celery config
We should create a celery configuration file, see We should also update the systemd unit file to use the celery config, and we should add an execreload option. Nb. because celery uses env files, we can probably integrate this with the config initialization in gita-init and write these to the application env file. This will of course require us to set env-specific config files in the systemd unit but, because we've already encapsulated much of this in a click interface that requires an environment
option, this should be pretty easy to set.
Originally posted by @signebedi in