I have noticed a strange behavior when setting up the BulkSend application to start sending at time=0, but works well if I set it to start at time=2 seconds, or even 0.01 seconds.
Why is that happening? and is there a way to solve it?
Attaching the relevant code, in case it is needed:
// Create and configure a QUIC BulkSendApplication and install it on the QUIC server's node:
Address remoteAddr(InetSocketAddress(ueIpIface.GetAddress(0), dlPort));
BulkSendHelper bulkSendHelper("ns3::QuicSocketFactory", remoteAddr);
bulkSendHelper.SetAttribute("MaxBytes", UintegerValue(calculatedFileSize));
bulkSendHelper.SetAttribute("SendSize", UintegerValue(512));
ApplicationContainer sourceApps = bulkSendHelper.Install(remoteHost);
sourceApps.Start(Seconds(0.01)); ** THE PROBLEM IS HERE, IF SET TO BE 0, THEN I SEE NO FLOW AT ALL **
// Create and configure a QUIC PacketSinkApplication and install it on 'UE-0':
PacketSinkHelper PacketSinkHelper("ns3::QuicSocketFactory", InetSocketAddress(Ipv4Address::GetAny(), dlPort));
PacketSinkHelper.SetAttribute("Protocol", TypeIdValue(QuicSocketFactory::GetTypeId()));
ApplicationContainer sinkApps = PacketSinkHelper.Install(ueNodes.Get(0));
The helpers for the lower layers start at time 0, and may not be configured yet. This is expected behavior, and is a limitation of ns-3, not just of the QUIC module.
Hi, I have noticed a strange behavior when setting up the BulkSend application to start sending at time=0, but works well if I set it to start at time=2 seconds, or even 0.01 seconds. Why is that happening? and is there a way to solve it? Attaching the relevant code, in case it is needed: